Golanv Circle
Wednesday Works


Intermediate Practicum
Raven Medicine

Golanv Medicine IS powerful Medicine. What Raven brings to you is the Courage to enter into these liminal spaces of your Experience as that is where they dwell in Spirit. The Great Oneness, the place where All Things, All Ideas, All Life, spring from into our Experience.

On this leg of our Journey, you will be asked to do a bit more than you were asked before with Wahya Circle. A little visitation of those secret places will be asked. A little more endurance of Spirit will be asked. Flying with Golanv is not the same as walking with Wahya. It is of a different medicine, and a different magick.

As you have learned, Raven is the Messenger between the two worlds of Seen and Unseen. Both equal in their ability to be Experienced by you personally. Golanv will help you bring things into form, whether in spirit Medicine or the Mundane. However, while some things may appear to you one way, it may not be the most “beneficial” way for your Journey. Raven brings in that transformative change to your Consciousness—an invitation to walk a new, different, and more beneficial Path than before when allowed to manifest fully.  As stated for Magick, this works for Medicine too. What are you holding back from that would greatly benefit you?

Golanv energy evolves practices in all of your Experiences with the more you work this Medicine.  What you Experience can be anything from the manifestation of an Intention of Heart or Healing, all the way to opening up of your Soul to allow for the unimaginable, such as what some call Akashic Reach, or Memory of All Things. It is a good omen. It is a blessing. You only need to say, "yes" to Golanv allowing its Divine Animal Ally Guidance into your lilfe. (Yeah, I know that makes it sound “vampiric” but Raven is NOT. It is asking of your Free Will. Most things do “ask permission” in a sense before interacting with you.*)

Ravens are a beautiful, iridescent blue/black glints, which many believe is the color of Liminal Space and its play with Light. In Native American teachings the color black can pertain to a spiritual seeking, or new undertaking of greater benefit, the Magick of Darkness, or the road to spiritual Awakening, whatever that means to you.

Ravens are the Guardians of Magick …and the Medicine. Especially that of healing amongst all things. With Raven's help one can shift perspectives to have a change in consciousness that brings about a new reality and can dispel "dis-ease" or illness. They are the messengers that carry the flow of energy from the ceremony to the receiver of Healing, for example. It is their wings that your prayers glide on to reach their intended destination, they can also return to you on those same wings.

As stated before, this Animal Ally Medicine puts you on alert that Magick is in the Air that you can utilize, or is on its way to you from another’s mass healing, the Universe, or sometimes from a source that does not benefit you. Do not worry too much though, when you work with Raven, they are your Protectors too. You do NOT need to try to figure anything out. If you see Raven, you are already Protected. The Magick or the Medicine is already happening. Something very special is occurring before your very eyes if you see Raven in the mundane world. Try to NOT block the energy that is in the Works.

Sure, go ahead and re-Ward yourself, your home, your car, or any other things you protect regularly, but accept it with relish. This is your birthright. Your gift from the What Is. Golanv has brought you an energetic gift. Raven brings forth the Magick from the Unseen naturally, as it is liminal.  But once recognized, you are wise to bring the Energy further into your power, transmuting the gift in the most beneficial way in your practices. 

The Universe is ready and only waiting for YOU to receive this transformational energy.


Correspondences 102
Golanv Stone Allies

Below you will find stones that work well with Golanv, or Raven Magick. Each stone works in its highest vibration for your maximum benefit when you are able to spend time with each Stone Ally, listening, learning, and Experiencing what it has to show you.  Just as with Raven, look into each stone that you choose to Work with. Where is it found? How is it formed? Is it a stone that is exploited by many? What is the stone sharing with you during sleep or meditation? Are you asking?

Write down anything that is shared with you. Also keep in mind that the stone may be a temporary Ally or lifelong.


Healing, Forgiveness of Self and Others, Empowerment – all exceptional with Shadow Work. Assisting with “letting go” of that which no longer benefits us. Psychic Work. Astral Travel.


Dendritic Opal
Spiritual Awakening, this stone also mirrors the Raven’s wings metaphysically by offering inspirational energy to you as well as connection with Spirit, assists Golanv with opening the heart, mind, and soul.


Transformative Magick, transition, strength, perseverance


Purple Fluorite
Dream Magick, manifesting from dream to reality, exploring Lucid Dreaming. Astral Travel.


General - Journal - Book of Shadows


Three Circles Medicine
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