Golanv Circle
Wednesday Works

Contemplations 102
What Happens When We Die?


In the words of Peter Steele, “everything dies”. Well…. we all kind of knew that. So did he. May he rest well. I had no idea he was so depressed the few times I had seen him, in New York, or outside a club in Atlanta. But, he was good at masking things too. Type O Negative is an acquired taste, but you can hear Pete’s depression screaming in the music. Take a listen if you dare, or care…

With that said, some say we can only speculate about what happens to us when we leave the corporeal, or die. Some believe it is different for every being, as no two beings perceive their Divine Experiences exactly the same. Furthermore, many of the Book Religions consider this event to be an “unknown” or they have preconceived and fanciful notions that suited the writers of the time. They were simply stuck in Matter and attempting to understand Spirit.

Most Practitioners of the Arcane Arts know this concept of “we’re just gone” to be UNTRUE. It is recognized that Death is not an ‘unknowable’, it is in fact very knowable in different ways. There are those who have existed throughout time that have ‘died’, intentionally or unintentionally, and returned to tell about it. Remember the “kids with memory” from Wahya Circle? Let us also take this moment to define ‘unintentionally’ as accidental or Self-inflicted by Free Will -- to avoid any confusion. Unintentional death, or accidental death is where we draw our ‘near death’ stories, as no one has returned from ‘brain death’ that we know of. These stories come from ‘body death’, comas, heart stopping, lungs stopping, etc. Except for those kids. Remember?

So, what do they say?

The perception of how the spirit leaves the body is often influenced by one’s faith or beliefs. We all know the Laws of Conservation. With that concept of endless energy in mind, some say ‘dying’ in body is liken to rushing through a darkened tunnel and emerging in light. Some feel extreme ‘cold’. Yet even others simply perceive themselves outside of their body, ‘looking in’. Scientists often believe this is merely a reaction to oxygen deprivation in the brain, but that depends on their personal faith too. Regardless, what happens next strongly depends on your state of mind when it happens. That includes but is not limited to beliefs about death and one’s ability to work in the astral plane, or personal psychic Experience stemming from personal training in such matters as we do in Yona Circle.

It is said that those who find themselves lingering around their bodies tend to fixate and become disoriented versus those who walk away from themselves or into Other Space in Spirit with others, away from their body in Matter.  Simply ‘recognizing’ death is a problem for some as they become very attached to Matter, or their body and their tangible Experiences as received through their “input devices”, such as those of the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and touch. Humans in the Western Culture often forget that they are WHOLE BEINGS, of Matter AND SPIRIT.

This is why you will often see carryovers from other cultures of a mirror being placed and buried with the body, use of anthropoid coffins, effigies and the like are told to help suggest death has occurred to those that have died and help their spirit recognize what has happened. This is not always the case. Spirits do linger in places if they do not recognize death or do not feel the need to leave the location, or “move on” as some say. Failure to recognize death is what some believe causes beings to not ‘cross over’, regardless of what form they took in life. Dog. Cat. Person. Etc.

No two deaths are the same. Death in itself is an Experience to be had. When some pass from Matter, it is for them to next Experience this life as Spirit for it to is an Experience to be had by some. Dogma, especially in Western Culture, has corrupted this Experience.

Depending on the death, traumatic… expected or not, it can determine a spiritual outcome for many. Several book religions have believers still lying in fields of dirt because dogma teaches them a certain way, or they have doubt in what they are Experiencing. Fear keeps them there for a very long time waiting for a “rapture” that may never come for them.

Some call them Hedge Jumpers, others calls them World Walkers, and some indigenous call them Planes Walkers. No matter their title, they travel in the astral between the energetic planes in which we ‘live’ out our Experiences. These Planes Walkers speak of beings whom are seemingly ‘stuck’ between this plane and the next one. It is the belief of many at TCMed that they are not ‘stuck’ per se but have some unresolved  Knowledge to address within themselves. Or, it can be another Experience to be divinely had as stated above.

The Gray do not usually see others such as those astral travelers or other ‘fully crossed’ spirits but are themselves visible on a regular basis. They are not able to always interact with that which is around them and seemingly wander. These are usually intelligent beings, but ones that may not believe that are communicating with anyone. Between is where they seemingly stay until they themselves embrace what they need to do, or accept and see others and move on. Both ways have occurred to many Practitioners, and are quite okay. It is believed this is where the terms, “go into the light” (of many Paths) and “Penet Em Heru” (“Coming into Light” – what some believe is the proper name for the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Others believe the book title to be ‘Mark of the Sun God’ (Ra)) No matter which way you believe, consider it being an acceptable Experience for others to have if they so desire.


Wednesday G13

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

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