Yona Circle
Tuesday Tarot

Divination 103
Seventh Monad
Kings - “to Apply”

Kings of the Seventh Monad

As we transition into the Seventh Monad, we can see how our Spirit has begun to master the Monads of Matter, Physcial (Pentacles), Emotional (Cups), and Mental (Swords). There is always a transitory fire that burns with each Monad and Stream as evidenced by the Wands, or Fire. We understand that Element Fire represents that continuous link of Universal Change, forever burning away blockages and empowering us to become more adept at every turn. It is the Fire of Spirit that propels us through every stage of Experience in Matter, avoiding stagnation.

In the Seventh Monad, we learn to apply all of the Experiences we have not only accumulated over this single lifetime, but as many practice, over many lifetimes. As we continue to spiritually evolve, we become more and more adept at navigating through Time, Space and Dimension. We begin to see glimpses of “Kings” the closer we Work towards making spiritual evolution our reality versus “just succeeding in life.”.

For some, this may seem an extremely far off venture, being ‘King of the Experience in Matter’.


King of Pentacles

This individual is an enthusiastic extrovert, ready for continued new and exciting Experiences of Matter. Why? They are extremely grounded in their reality and confident in themselves due to regular Self Work which keeps them steadfast and rarely shaken from their Tree.  THIS is the trusted DD for everything. When this multi-talented person stays focused, they are successful and highly prolific at almost anything they try.  At their best, they are loving and social creatures — holding their Torch of Knowledge high for others, guiding them all safely and without condition. Rarely are evolved 7th Monad individuals found to be restless, or compulsive towards their Life or Matter.

Not immediately revealed to individuals early in life, but as they reach maturity, they find and Experience this strength as something they will become very Aware of. The King of Pentacles being is solidly trustworthy and wise in the ways of the world of Matter.  They are remarkably productive and not deterred by something “not working out”. They intimately understand their place in the Universe. They are very hands-on people when working with others and personal crafts.  They are rarely found to be “solitary Practitioners”. They are found to be a reliable person that enjoys family, friends and work towards the Highest Benefit of not only Self, but tehir collective Society that they are active members of. All of their actions are grounded in Unconditional Love and Trust.

King of Pentacles is one that after many years of focusing on the material aspects of their life or financial stability, they develop room for something more in their life. They have evolved and determine everything they need was always in place, they are secure in Matter, and now is the time to expand their horizons and connect to the spiritual aspects of Self on an even deeper level.
This endeavor will enrich life in ways physical things of Matter never could.


The symbology of this card reflects more of the Spirit than Matter as previously studied in Wahya Circle. The King of Pentacles represents the attainment of spiritual maturity. He sits on his throne next to his big castle. Grapes surround him as he enjoys his material possessions. The King of Pentacles suggests we have authority over our wealth and encourages us to help others attain authority over theirs.


King of Cups

This individual is often found to a member of Clergy or Teacher of their Path. They are emotionally balanced. They have a True Servants Heart in their convictions, beliefs and sharing of them. They emotionally support others as they are Divinely supported and have attained many goals to achieve this Balance of Emotion. These individuals are the true peace maker, always trying to resolve conflicts of the other Monad families. They serve well in the capacity of Diplomat.

This individual can easily fill the spiritual cup of others as theirs has been filled. They do not feel taxed or put upon in doing so. As stated, this individual is emotionally mature, trusting, compassionate, loving others as they are grounded in Unconditional Love.  King of Cups individuals have healed their trauma/Trauma in thi slife and have become adept at calling pieces home from other lifetimes. They can easily handle complex interactions with others, understanding what is needed for most situations or goals, especially from an emotional aspect.

The King of Cups Practitioners has honed their Intuition to the point they are adept at “feeling” their way wholly through their Experience in Matter, sharing Spirit all along the way. In a spiritual context, the King of Cups signifies a highly developed psychic or intuitive ability and is a great ally for previous Monads to keep the company of.

This individual not only receives regular messages, in many forms, from Spirit in different avenues, such as Ancestors, Elders, Guides, they understand the messages that are being communicated. They often utilize these messages to assist others freely in life to their Highest Benefit, solve crimes, find missing loved ones, etc.

Sitting upon their throne in the Stream of Consciousness, the King of Cups has learned to TRUST their Self and abilities that they have honed throughout a life of purposeful and diligent work to embrace one’s wholeness of being. They have one of the STRONGEST Intuitions of all humans. As a tarot card, it represents one who is a masterful Intuitive or one who meditates on higher levels.


King of Swords

This Monad family has keen insights regarding the energy of All That Is versus other individuals and are able to apply that Knowledge in ways to expand their own spiritual growth. They are balanced in the celebration of differences between others and their individuality. They understand to know something is to also apply it to their lives, understanding it fully.  Some Practitioners simply “know” how to do something and apply that knowing with great success. It is understood that they are working on or ARE Conscious Incarnate. The King of Swords represents a great intellectual and powerful mind.

This is someone who can clearly see the big picture and the small picture at the same time.  They are able to “play the tape out”. An analytical mind, laser focused on a goal and one that will protect the naturally and sometimes “chosen” of other Monads and Streams. This person demands honesty. Unevolved the truth this person speaks can be ruthless and their words can cut to the bone without thought of the collateral damages that may occur. The unevolved gatekeep Knowledge. Through lifelong Self Work, they have developed Discernment in both Thought and Memory.

In a spiritual context, the King of Swords can learn about as many spiritual practices as they like, sincerely embracing each one. They can attend as many workshops as are available, giving each one dedicated personal time to the pursuit of that Knowledge. The King of Swords is able to read as many books as they can get your hands on to continually collect Knowledge for spiritual growth. They are not limited to one Path or another, nor do they stay with a Path for more than one lifetime for fear of stagnation. They are able to apply all the Knowledge into practice and following their Heart instead of always the Mind of Matter. They DO more than they THINK most times.

Everything the King of Swords does is thoughtful, as they are trusting in what is known even in memory of other lives. The King of Swords represents the power of the conscious mind and the ability to make decisions based on rationality and logic. With his sharp intellect, he brings forth structure, routine, and a sense of order in all aspects of life with regular recall and memory of their Experience.


King of Wands

Individuals of this Monad card take full command of their own energy in Matter and begin to apply their Knowledge of Experience in Spirit. Whether for Self or Other, this Time, Space, Dimension or another, including how they expend and conserve that energy. The King of Wands is in full control of Self, its actions, inactions, and reactions. They are in a true transitory state between Matter and Spirit. They have mastered many aspects of Astral Work, Soul Work, and all that involves Matter’s interaction with Spirit. They are not “strangers” to any aspect. An emotion such as fear is not something that moves them. Take Thích Quảng Đức for example. Fear of that pain, nor death, did not move his body. (Article from Rev Richoz in link)

The King of Wands relates to enthusiasm and creativity with extreme enthusiasm. Again, this is Doer energy for sure but one that does so with vision and purpose. He is representative of the highest emotional intelligence amongst many of the Monadic. In a spiritual context, the King of Wands indicates that one has truly progressed on their spiritual Path. Even so, take some time to stop and smell the roses as this will be a lifelong Journey of exploration and discovery while Experiencing as an avatar of many as Spirit in Matter.

We are wise to recall the meaning of both Upright and Reversed meanings of this card when studying the Monads in tarot. Why? Just as we can elevate towards Spirit in the Most Highest Benefit, so too can one devolve and take advantage of others. There are signs. Learn them. Cult leaders are born here, such as those of Twin Flame Universe. (This is a link to the search. 3CMM refuses to open any of their owned websites and give them internet traffic, or energy of any kind. #Technomancy101)

Fuller Definition Examples

“Lest we forget, the Universe does not flow ‘one way’. There are many answers to many questions to which we seek and find.”

The King of Wands can represent a visionary leader who is confident, determined, and able to manifest their goals and assist those around them in seeing clear ways to manifest theirs. It can also mean that it's time to step up, make a bold move, and be a better leader. This card says, “you’re good, and you can bee better.”

The King of Wands reversed can be a warning against impulsiveness and controlling behaviors in us or others. These warnings are usually missed by those who only divine “one way”, as mentioned above. Spirit speaks to us in many ways when we do not limit it. It can also indicate that challenges are coming from a larger-than-life unchecked Ego and a ruthless, dominating personality type, such as an abusive spiritual leader — physically, verbally, emotionally, or psychologically. Depending on your question, you are being warned of a situation.

Not every deck conveys “full meanings” of cards if they are only to be read upright. Some decks include meanings and interpretations regardless of position and often show positive and negative meanings of each card regardless of orientation. This is but one reason why we keep the “little white book”. It helps to know the artist’s purpose in the symbology they bring to the card. Many of them Journey to create these cards are not merely “making a buck”. It is extremely beneficial to learn their meaning of things as well as the definitions of equivalent cards in other decks. This too brings a fuller definition to our divination tools.

3CMM asks that you each consider understanding the FULL MEANING of a card whether divined through tarot or oracle with the book accompanying a worthwhile deck. To simply “throw it away” is to disregard all of the spiritual Work that Practitioners placed into creating that Magickal Tool for the benefit of all.

When studying various decks, ask yourself, “what is the worst possible outcome or definition this card is able to tell me as a guidance from Spirit”. “Is it limiting in its ability to respond or convey messages?” Ask questions along those lines when assessing a new deck. It could be to your Highest Benefit being able to gauge the Magick already imbued in the art of the card. Even “pictureless” cards have energy from its creator.

If undesirable meanings are being avoided, doing this may prevent growth spiritually and bring on stagnation. We ask that all Practitioners keep in mind, simply because we “know” or are “shown” something does NOT mean we can do anything about it. It may be a situation completely out of our control or with another person. All we are able to do is protect Self and prepare sometimes. Death is an ideal example of this. We cannot prevent another’s passing if it is divinely their time. Understand also, if we are “meant to know”, we may, but know the ‘why’ that we place limitations on the avenues that knowledge may come to us.

Is there a reason you operate the way that you do in Magick and Medicine? Do you follow a specific Path that mandates you ‘do not’? Do you operate WITH the Universe OR are you avoiding this process to heal Self, Shadow or Unchecked Ego? Are you afraid of what Spirit will show you that must happen in order to evolve? Are you not ready for what answers may be revealed?

Often times, we ALL already ‘know’ the answer by the time we walk for our Third Degree in Yona Circle. But the ‘knowing’ is where we will stop and stagnate in every life if we do not acknowledge and change what we are being shown is our course on our Life Path or Journey.

Im not ready to know where the bodies are.”
Why does she say this?
Her answer is simply, “my wee one isn’t ‘of age’ to see Mom regularly going off with homicide detectives. Let him have his time as a kid. I will be doing this soon enough.
— Reverend Richoz, RN

Divination 103
Stream Cycle Seven
”Full Integration” (Spirit)
The High Priestess; The Emperor

Seventh Stream Cycle Beings

Each one of us contains this energy. It is the Breath that drives our Matter. This Stream of Consciousness brings us closest to the Experience of Spirit in Matter as we will ever come before complete evolution or transition into pure Spirit energy. Know that it will andoes make a difference in the truth one lives in how one identifies in Matter. It is what the Spirit says to them that counts too. Whether they are male, female, both or neither, they are a spectrum of Spirit energy manifested into Matter. This is but one of the many threads that define their Experiences in Matter, our Divine Energy Experience of Spirit in Matter. No two are the same and THIS is where we are in one aspect of the energetic evolution of our species with Awareness.

Even though we have a male and female card representing the Seventh Stream, they represent that portion of the spectrum that any of us can identify as, even one iota, the breadth of one hair, a single breath, is all the energy that is needed to perceive ourselves one way or another. This is different than what we were born with in Matter and it changes how our Spirit presents. Regardless, judgment does not come FROM these individuals, but it is quite often “put upon them” because what drives them can differ drastically than what drives another in Matter.

We can be a born female that expresses female. A born male that expresses male.

We can also equally be a born female that expresses male identity — as that is where the majority of their WHOLE BEING is. Their Spirit identifies as male and only those parts of their Matter that are identifiable as female are what is female. That is all. No more. No less. To most, this person can identify with The Emperor card easily.

The transverse is also true. A born male that expresses female identity as that is where their WHOLE BEING is. Their Spirit identifies as female and only those parts of their Matter that are identifiable as male are what is male. THAT IS ALL. No more. No less. They easily identify with The High Priestess card when studying the magick in Monadic Theory.

As WHOLE BEINGS we have often been forced to “forget” that fact. For thousands of years in our collective memory in the West it has been shunned, but TWO SPIRIT people have existed for all time FOR IT TOO IS AN EXPERIENCE OF SPIRIT IN MATTER.

Sexual Mysteries in the Seventh

Just as we learned in Wahya Circle, the worldview of sexuality has changed over the years. Do you remember the Temples of Inanna? The Celebrants of Pele? Got back and refresh on those stories and what happened to change cultures that existed before Roman decided to roll.

Regardless of how one identifies, when one is completely embracing their whole being, they do not often find need to further Experience the Sexual Mysteries in the same way as those around them, or have sex at all in the same way. Many Practitioners become asexual and comfortably so. The act of orgasm in Matter no longer drives them to be whole in Spirit. Touching other spirits in the Astral is just as intense. It is not required on every Path and “no two Paths are the same.” But there too has been a spectrum of sexuality that has been ignored for thousands of years. That energy runs the spectrum of pan-sexuality and polyamory to asexuality and ananmorous… not being moved by “love” in Matter in the same way at all. If this is felt by a whole being, healed and with regular Self Work, who are we to judge what they are Experiencing as “wrong”? Where are these coveted “guidelines” written and who wrote them?

Pontificate on this. Develop some thoughts on the subject.


The High Priestess

This Seventh Stream Cycle represents a person that knows what they need on a gut level, Instinct.  Intuition. Discernment. They have spent a lifetime observing, exploring, discovering, aspects of Self and Other and are now applying the Knoweldge they have gained in those Experiences.

Are they “done” Experiencing? No. Not in the least for ages and stages of life. But at this point of application, not much is unseen for this Experience of Spirit in Matter.

They are protective of their Sovereignty without question. They have clear defined boundaries in all that they do with others. They are fully Aware of their own power and KNOW that they hold a vast amount of it personally due to the work they have continued with Self.

This Seventh Stream Cycle individual is very comfortable in their own skin and own their identity, often gravitating to where it flows most freely.  On this card, remember, the pomegranates on the curtain behind The High Priestess represents the fullness of Wisdom and wise ideas.  The calm lake behind the High Priestess says they are at complete peace with all of Matter.  The pillars of Dark and Light, male and female, represent that they see ALL Mysteries through inward and outward Experiences of Wisdom. They have had many Journeys and walked many Paths 

The unevolved person found popping in and out of this Stream are often seen as passive aggressive or not trusting in their own wisdom yet. They are only being shown glimpses of what is to come, when they work to their Highest Benefit. Yes, Shadow Work continues even here. Think Spirit. Think Soul Work.

In Spirit, the Seventh Stream Cycle of Consciousness is filled with individuals who are connected with their inner voice and Intuition. This is what guides their Journey continuously. There is absolute trust in Self and Higher Power as its “voice” has risen above the din of Matter. Continued Psychic Work and Mediumship is often found here.


The Emperor

This Seventh Stream person is the architect of applying the Knowledge gained through their Journey to their life with open eyes and great authority.  They actively participate in constructing their reality through strong Astral Work, a well mapped reality, utilization of Mind over Matter and protecting others in Matter and Spirit. This evolved individual is actively helping build a solid foundation of understanding and Knowledge for those who come behind them.

They are confidently constructing a reality that is to the Highest Benefit of those future generations who Wake Up into that reality system. These individuals do not shy away from innate visions and possibilities of all Time, Space and Dimension. Their Future Vision finds strength and grounding in their solid and lifelong Work on Self. They are working in the Seventh Stream not only on Self, but all incarnations of their Soul Family… Past, Present and Future. They actively See the vision.

Every person has their part to play in this Dimension work where they are right now. Think Matter, but think Soul Work, Astral Work, eternal.  We are all connected to one another. For the unevolved of the Seventh Stream they are regularly found neglecting their spiritual Experiences and stagnating versus growing. They are often challenged to make personal Time for spiritual pursuits and not to let the logical rational part of the mind take over and stop growth. We are wise to continually explore and hone those sensitive sides that all beings have. If they are engaged in spiritual pursuits, The Emperor can be a sign that there may be a continued need to ground and protect Self and Others Sovereignty and not fall prey to an Experience in this reality. It is also a sign to explore other Paths as the current is feeding “inaction” or “too much” stillness. If there has been a recent trauma/Trauma, they may need Focused healing and acknowledgment in Self.

(Refer back to Wahya Circle for more symbology of this card.)


Tuesday YO4

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

SUBMISSION: YO4 TUE M & S INVO DRAW II (Due by First Sunday of November)
Please follow the instructions in the passage below.

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
Please utilize the above email link
to receive full Submission credit.

Lessons are subject to change without notification to Practitioners.
Late Submissions receive no credit without prior approval.



In the submission ABOVEplease provide your findings.

This will technically be the THIRD time we have drawn for assessment of Self Work and placement the month of October. As that is the month of Involution, what Work is being done? By the Third Degree of Yona Circle we are wise to be fully pursuing Self to evolve our Path spiritually. What holds you back? Why are you being kept from growth? Change? Is it Self or Other? What has stopped the natural flow of our Universal Constant of Change from helping you evolve spiritually all of these years? What changes now? Most importantly, where do you see yourself in one year? Five years? Ten years? What are your goals?

As stated before, it is said in cartomancy that “any card can answers any question”. Whether you have a RWS based deck or you have to utilize a free online draw, we are going to continue to ask for divine guidance for the remainder of Involution Month, for clarity, via these cards.
(If you have a deck and know which RWS they correspond to you may also utilize them. Simply state the corresponding card. )

If you have the deck physically:

”Where do I need to Focus my Self Work for Involution week specifically?”

MONAD CARD DRAW: Placing all Monad cards (or their equivalents) studied thus far in a small deck, shuffle, and draw one card per your method. Place this card face up in front of you. This card represents where you are divinely seen in your spiritual development at this time.

STREAM CARD DRAW: Placing all Stream cards studied thus far in a small deck, shuffle, and draw one card per your method. Place this card face up in front of you. This card represents where you are divinely seen in your spiritual development at this time.

Once you have these cards, go to the section each was covered in to study the meanings for Monad and Stream.

Then, utilizing your honed Intuition and powers of Discernment, write about the findings answering the questions above. Include an aspect of Self that you can connect to each card — MONAD & STREAM — drawn and name a Work that you are to be accomplish during the time allotted for this Submission.
Evidence of Honesty are to be provided. Pictures with a hand written note with date and time in the corner. Receipts showing the date and time. Previous Practitioners have kept sticky notes or note cards on them to complete this task of Self Work and dedicated personal time. Even if you make time to go meditate at the river or ocean, a picture of a note card with your hand holding it up against the backdrop of the ocean shows you made the time for Self to go! Even if deception is your motive, taking the time to find that way is still time made of Self. Non-beneficial time, but time alone is given.


The Justice card is drawn for Stream Cycle Six. You instantly recall a friend has upcoming traffic court and they do not want to go alone. Your options can run from “going to court with them” to “paying the ticket”. You are giving time to another. You are emotionally supporting another. You are seeing Justice through you and empowering its flow to those around you. That energy will in turn flow more freely in your Experience.

The Six of Wands is drawn for Monad Four. Immediate through of Astral Meditations occur. But it is something that has been seemingly blccked, so you decided to go to a Salt Cave and cleanse, clear and ground. For this night, you are going to do that guided meditation and get results! Receipt to teh cave? CHECK. Guided mediation? CHECK. But how will we know you did it? By your Journal to 3CMM of course!

Creativity and spontaneity are Key here. Allowing that voice of Discernment, Intuition, Gut-Feeling, however we are guided daily through life is the correct answer for you. You will get a return equal to the effort you give on this. PROMISE.