Wahya Circle
Tuesday Techniques


Beginning Practicum
Archetypes of Deity

There are several archetypes of Deity that can be called upon for whatever Craft we are doing. ALL energies and entities can be placed in subheadings under these main archetypes. And, yes. Some can populate multiple archetypes!

It is not “just these”, but this is a good starting point. Depending on that archetype chosen can determine everything from methods and words, all the way to correspondences for Invocation.

The many varied archetypes of Divinity as it appears to each of us, requires different levels of energy from us placed in our Intented Works. For example, a Candle Spell may only require the Elements while Ceremonial or Ritual Magick may require the “Calling Down” of a Deity and days of fasting.

The following are what is common amongst most Practitioners in both Magick and Medicine.

Universal Deity: All That Is

Goddess/God: The “polar powers”, i.e. yin-yang, Spirit and Matter, etc

          Maiden / Mother / Crone

          Bachelor / Father / Hermit

(In Wicca: Hero / Lover / King / Sorcerer are also included)

Specific Purpose Deity: One Invoked for specific Intent, i.e. Venus = love, Apollo = music, Hephaestus = art

Higher Self: Exists for all things; creatures; time and space. This is very personal in how it appears and appears this way to NO OTHER in the exact same way, even if you are twins and walk the same Path.

The Invocation is an invitation for the Deity or Energy to be present for your Working and can follow a specific Path and can be asked for specific Intent.

“Oh great Hekate -- Dadouchos,

Torch bearer of Persephone and the Underworld, I appeal to you on behalf of my Attendees.

I ask that you shine your torch light to guide our Ancestors and Loved Ones who have passed beyond the Veil.” 

Words from an Invocation for the Ancestor Alta Veneration Rite at Samhain
by Reverend Richoz, RN © 2018

To explore further, here are a collection of videos for CrashCourse that we like to share. (ALL of their videos are recommended!)

Feminine Archetypes


Masculine Archetypes


Beginning Psychic Work
Power Boosting

To empower one’s Psychic Self, Magick and Medicine

To boost, or reinvigorate, a recent Working. This is best done to Works that have taken place in the last two lunar years.

Because this is Psychic Work, we only need a quiet spot, set Intentions, and Will.

For this meditation, Practitioners that do not have a strong connection to their Psychic abilities yet, prefer to have the following physical items:

Time, at least 30 minutes (or more)

Self, warm, rested, fed

Candle: All purpose white or the color that calls to you, tangible or psychic.

An ignitor for the candle.

A burning bowl/dish/cauldron/pot
(If you do not have a candle, Time will stand in.)


Writing utensil

Go to a comfortable spot.
Place all of these items at your side.
Close your eyes and go within yourself in your prescribed method of practice. Take note of what thoughts you have. Let them pass as clouds in the sky.

Start to count your breaths and go into yourself, your thoughts, into a deeper state of mind, per your method. When you feel you have sat with Higher Self sufficiently, meditated adequately, light your candle. TRUST that you will feel when to do this. (You may light your candle physically or on your Psychic/Cosmic Altar with your Mind/Witch Eye.)

Give the candle a moment to ignite. Watch the flame. Note what it is doing. Let the Elements show you their presence with and through the candle. Again, take note of its flame. Do you see anything? Do images appears in your mind? What is the flame doing? How is it burning? Is it smoking or popping?

Once a minute or two have passed and you feel comfortable with your candle, take your paper and writing utensil in hand. This is an practice MANY Practitioners use quite regularly to focus their mind’s eye, life Path, choices, etc, on the daily Experiences of Matter on their Journey.

Looking at your piece of paper, see the words form on it …see the obstacle that lies immediately before you that is preventing you from current growth. Is something hindering you from a task today? Is there an unforeseen stumbling block? This is especially true to consider if you have not yet seen a result from your recent personal Spell, or one from some time ago. Did you forget?

In a word, write it down. Write down ONE thing, ONE word, that is keeping your Higher Self, Shadow, Ego, from evolving or healing and manifesting that Magick or Medicine, no matter when the Work was done.

Hold that piece of paper in front of the flame and SEE THROUGH THE PAPER. If you do not have a candle, or cannot have a candle, hold the paper before a light source or the sun. See the light coming through the paper, through the word.

Do you see it?

See yourself coming past this word and overcoming it.

Tell this word “You have no power over me” (or something to the like) and ignite the paper. Or, shred the paper. Or, flush the paper. No matter the method, drop it into your chosen receptacle and remove the word from your sight.

Drop the paper into your burn bowl or cauldron. Watch the paper burn.*

Does it burn/flush/rip completely? Does it smolder out? Flush/rip easily?

Take note of how this paper extinguishes. Note if it is extremely smokey or sparks out at the end. This will indicate how much energy it will take to overcome this obstacle. The same goes for flushing or ripping. The more difficulty it presents, the stronger the energy to overcome with your obstacle.

The clock begins on your boosted Work. You do NOT have to align with a moon phase or month, nor day. Whatever is holding you will be easier to overcome and release the more you shine a light on it.

Take note.

Patron Deities

The first thing to consider caring, venerating, or honoring your chosen personal Deity or Divine is — are you going to even have a “patron deity”, a Divinity you regularly work with? Or, are you going to Work with each energy as they come to you, committing to no single one?

Once you have decided on a regular form of Divinity, how are you going to venerate? Food offerings? Drink? Candles? Incense? What tradition? What deities are you considering? Or, if you are not, how do you typical show gratitude for that energy or entity working with you?

Tuesday W21

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

(Due by Sunday)
Please take a moment to decide a topic from the Lesson. You may choose from:

Beginning Psychic Work: Power Boosting
Contemplations 101: Patron Deities

Respond in TWO PARAGRAPHS or more explaining your Experience
with the chosen passage.
If there are questions in the Lesson,
please answer them as they apply to you
or your practices.

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
Please utilize the above email link
to receive full Submission credit.

Lessons are subject to change without notification to Practitioners.
Late Submissions receive no credit without prior approval.