Golanv Circle
Tuesday Techniques

Intermediate Practicum
Sacred Circles, Hoops &
Medicine Wheels

There are different types of Sacred Circles, Hoops, or “Medicine Wheels” as colonizers sometimes incorrectly deemed them.  There are many different styles of construction found around the world. We do see that some do look like “wagon wheels” as described, but that is because those that describe them this way do not always understand the purpose for what they perceive as a ‘spoke’, or just simply “didn’t ask” as they assumed most indigenous were “less” than them. 

The Sacred Circle typically has 28 of these ‘spokes’, or lines, and that is the same number many utilize around the world. These are not just in teh Wheels, but also in the roofs of ceremonial buildings.  Here on the continent of North America, the Lakota Sundance lodge is one. These structures always include an entrance to the East.  (Remember the round brochs on the shores of Scotland that we studied in Wahya Circle?  Those doors face East, too. East, the rising sun, runs DEEP in the human species.)  Facing that rising Sun, these structures also had/have 28 rafters for the 28 days in the lunar cycle. (Another commonality amongst indigenous of the world, Plant and Animal alike.)

The meaning behind these tools runs deep.  As we move around, we notice that some also look like bull's-eyes, and others are more abstract. It is something that many global cultures hold on to from our shared human past Experiences. There are only a few hundred of these large Sacred Circles, Hoops or Medicine Wheels, left on Mother Earth that are more than 1000 years old, but we can see the care that went into its manifesting.

Reverend Richoz’s personal altar wheel.

Ancient Art Thoughts

The ancient art of Sacred Circles or Medicine Wheels, as many of us know them, are not something taught to everyone.  But it is the opinion of Reverend Richoz, it may be a good idea to try and take on such a fete.

“I know what you are thinking. Wait. Something to do, a ‘have to do’? NO WAY!

No. Not that, not a ‘have to do’, I propose this concept can be introduced metaphorically, gently, over time. However, the Teacher has to wish to share the Knowledge, and the Pupil would be wise to be Clean, Clear, and Curious about the Knowledge being shared to maximize their energetic benefit through their life, especially when being woven into one’s Circle of Life, or Medicine Wheel of Life.

Those who wish to share the Knowledge can be the Caregiver of a young child and show how they personally walk their own Circle, without forcing the child to do the same, but teaching all along the way. No shame. No judgement. Just Unconditional Love.

It could be shared as older teenagers or adults through ‘ages and stages’ of development as in, “I will share with you all about what my Mom taught me when I was walking through this with her when I was a child…”. Without shaming anyone for how they chose to work through life’s Experiences, regardless of a Circle or Wheel.

To me, I respect the Being that is taught from the beginning in how to be more Conscious of Self and their personal Cycles and Circles, as well as one’s effect on other’s Cycles and Circles.

There are not many places where you can throw a rock into a pond and have “no effect”… ripples in Water, chips on Ice, etc. The Circle’s meaning is only defined by that specific individual walking it. The energy one feels from their Circle is felt as a richness of Unconditional Love emanating from generations of Ancestors before you when you choose to walk it. It is a huge part of Ancestor Magick, as shared by what the Caregiver, or Teacher, modeled for you in your life.

Just imagine, different cultures throughout the ages doing Magick and Medicine based on their location, personal beliefs, and tribal or community practices – without oppression. Now, is it your turn?

Find a Circle that works for you. Explore the feelings it brings up. Bighorn. Majorville. Stonehenge. Learn their story and Way. If that Circle does not speak to your Higher Self, try another, or better yet —build your own.
— Reverend Richoz, RN

Practitioner Alvarez, Golanv Circle 2023

Medicine Wheel Purpose

For most, it is a tool of Self Discovery.  The circle shape represents the interconnectivity of all aspects of one's Being, including the connection with the natural world. Medicine wheels are frequently believed to be the Circle of Awareness of the individual self; the Circle of Knowledge that provides the power we each have over our own lives.

To begin, the task will be to gather stones Intuitively, each with the Intent to represent a different Animal Ally for the Medicine you are going to explore and possibly welcome into your life, for life.  Some dedicate a few days to gathering these stones, one at at time. Others dedicate months. But ONE will appear to you pretty quickly. You will know it, feel it in your gut, when you see or touch it.

These stones may be tiny in size or large rocks, depending on how big you are going to make your Sacred Circle or Medicine Wheel.  These invaluable tools can be small enough to build upon a large scarf on your altar, or as big as an outside field, or by the lake.  Reverend Richoz’s first Sacred Circle was built as the water was receded at a local lake so in the summer it would remain undisturbed as water covered it. 

Have some thought placed into this exercise. It does not matter if a stone is large or small, they will produce the same amount of energy for your Medicine and Magick. 

When selecting each stone, ask it in your way, “what medicine does this stone have?” We ask ourselves if it resembles the Animal that came to us for this Work.  Does it “feel” correct to you and your Circle, or Wheel?

As stated, when done thoughtfully this activity  will take months to complete, if not a lifetime.  This Submission will be due the last week of the course (Sometime in March). No one will have a “complete” Circle, or Wheel, as we do not control when and where Animal and Plant Medicine appear to us. But, you will have a few given to you for the last half of the Turn.

Build anywhere you desire, using your collected stones to create it when it is time.  The pictures shown are only used as examples.  In the future you will be given further insight as to how to create the Wheel.


For now collect the Stones that are given in this Lesson.  Then, in the weeks to come, you will receive instructions for specific stones on the Paths.  It will be at that time that you will be asked to seek out a Stone Ally to represent an Animal Ally. That stone can already be with you, or you may go out and find it. Prepare your Intent and Protect for the purpose before you set off to do so.

28 or 29 stones. Collect the number you feel. We will explore accordingly.

Witch Bits 102
Four Sacred Medicines

(North American Indigenous)

Medicine Gardens are planted to both honor the Medicine Wheel, and to grow the Sacred Medicines associated with directional teachings.

There are four Sacred Medicines to most indigenous of the Americas:
Tobacco, Cedar, Sage, and Sweetgrass.

The four sacred Medicines are used in everyday life and most importantly in ceremonies. All of these sacred Plant Allies can be used to smudge, but Cedar, Sage and Sweetgrass have many more Magickal uses. It is also said in some tribes that Tobacco sits at the Eastern Door for Red Spirit. Cedar sits at the Northern Door for Blue Spirit. Sage sits at the Western Door for Black Spirit as well as for our Ancestors and Elders that have passed. Sweetgrass sits at the Southern Door with White Spirit, the Land of Summer Dance.

See the video for the appropriate way to use smoke cleansing
according to almost every indigenous culutre of the world.


Tuesday G71

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

SUBMISSION: G71 TUE STONE CIRCLES (Due by Sunday; AND Last Quarter)
Please take a moment to Ground, Center and Release per your practice.
When you are ready begin to think about the Stones you hear
calling you to be a part of this exploration of Self. Your Magick. Your Medicine.
Go to them. Ask to be sure of their willingness.

Collect 28 or 29 of these stones.

When we begin walking for the Plant and Animal Medicine, representatives will be chosen
from this collection or you may seek it out specifically at that time IF something specific calls to you.

Place these stones safely amongst your Medicine & Magick tools, on your altar, cleanse, clear, program, whatever
you deem necessary to do to start this next Circle Walk.

SUBMIT ONE PHOTO of the stones you have collected for this exploration.

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
Please utilize the above email link
to receive full Submission credit.

Lessons are subject to change without notification to Practitioners.
Late Submissions receive no credit without prior approval.