Golanv Circle
Tuesday Techniques

Divination 102
Tarot Guided Purification

To round out our “Month of Purification”, or Februa, and in conjunction with our recent viewing of the Elemental Rose, we are going to work with the Elements in tarot. You are each asked to draw a card which will represent the Element we will be working with for the rest of the week. (You may look this up on the internet or refer back to your Book of Shadows or Tarot Journal.) This is a Divine assignment of Intent.

Each message from the Divine will be an Element that we will work with in a prescribed way or whose path we will soon cross. We each are to consider our recent Works and align with them for the week in that Element … or its counter… depending on what is revealed.

But it is time to purify our energies before the energy shifts back, after a major Work (Spell IV) and post American holiday season. Yeah, we know you each like to cleanse, clear and ground in your own way after Works, but this is to clarify that you have done that purification and nothing has energetically come back or “stuck” to you in this Working.

For the Elements drawn as represented by the card, consider where you are in Spirit, Practice, Life, etc. Is it trying to shine light on something you are overlooking, or overlooked for your Work to progress? Is it whispering to you a way in which you will gain your Intent for your upcoming Craft? Maybe something you are holding onto that the Divine or Higher Self KNOWS will inhibit your next major Work that you choose to do?

Look at many aspects. If something does not come to you immediately, write about what you see and let it mull.

For the remainder of this week specifically, we are going to use our prescribed method for divination to draw a card. (If you did not draw early enough to Work with this Element in your recent Spellwork, you may now have to “purify” by it.) The card you draw is going to be aligned with the Element you MOST need to purify with, as this will be our Focus, and Intent, BEFORE we draw.


For today, the card has meaning. As an homage to Lupercalia and February as a ‘time of purification’, we will learn about different methods of purifying by this Element on Wednesday and Thursday. Until then, consider the card as you will but we will return to it for the next couple of days.

This weekend, you can devise, write, concoct, Craft your own method of purification for your prescribed Element and answer questions to be given on Thursday.


The reason this technique is good to have in our BoS/Journal is in case we hit a block in our Magick or Medicine, or have trouble seeing things such as a chakra that may be the problem, or a person, or something else. (Even if we see it, we may not see how to get through/around/over it.) This is a way the Divine can reveal to you a method to purify you from a barrage of energy in that Element’s opposite or to simply ‘make you stronger’ so you may endure what is occurring around you related to that Element or its opposite. Sometimes it is the case that we are not the direct target of an incident but because of our developed Empathy by this level of practice, we feel it or suffer collaterally.

Example: We Worked to remove a specific person from our life but they are still around due to a mutual relative or friends. This helps you clear that bond YOU have with the common factor. This Work to purify removes you from the Path of the energy you just called in your recent Work.

Example: We Worked to improve our financial situation but forgot about our personal collateral damage and we have been feeling under the weather. Well, you have that interview coming up that you apparently energetically call to improve your financial situation but YOU ARE SICK. You have to remove yourself from the equation now.

It is ALWAYS an excellent thing to consider before undertaking a major Working as well. As Practitioners, we develop ‘blind spots’ sometimes and need our Third Eye or our Divine to speak to us through divination.


Tuesday G23

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


Please answer the above questions in TWO PARAGRAPHS or more.
You may draw a card from any tarot or oracle deck that speaks to you.
Align what you draw with the Element it represents.

For those that already had a routine Magick or Medicine they planned after Spell IV,
or on a upcoming sabbat or moon, share what that is.
Draw the card and determine if the Work you are planning,
or completed for that planned Magick or Medicine divinely aligned.

What was the Element of the Work versus the Element of the card drawn?

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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