Golanv Circle
Tuesday Techniques

Correspondences 102
Elemental Magick for Life

The elemental rose is a visual demonstration of how the energies (of personal Magick or Medicine) act, react and counteract throughout our Experience of Matter. Demonstrated by visualizing with the graphic, we can see that as we turn the ‘center’ of the rose to illustrate what is perceived as constructive (light), destructive (dark) and neutral (soul/Spirit). We do this as it “feels correct” to each of us. It will then correspond with the Elements that are its equivalent in our personal practices. This crosses countless practices and Paths, no matter the origin of the thought.

Always consider these for your Medicine and Magick:

Where is the energy and where do I want it?
— Reverend Richoz, RN

This thought should determine what is going to best effect the change, transmutation or transformation for our Works.

Let us look at the following examples:


When we Experience sexual, emotional or physical abuse, or trauma/Trauma, this can deeply impact our second chakra/energy point, or the Sacral Chakra. The Sacral Chakra is connected to the Element Water. The Sacral Chakra is the center of emotions, feelings and stimulates pleasure. It plays an active role in our sexuality and expression of our sexual needs and desires. If this chakra is blocked it may stifle the healthy expression of these Experiences.

Looking at the Element Rose Graphic, we see that Water is aligned with Defense and opposed with Fire and Attack. We are wise to FIRST explore with the aforementioned tools and Lessons regarding Shadow Work and explore Self to find where we are blocked. Then, our Medicine or Magick in turn should be tailored to help us each remove this blockage in our chosen way. To do this it must be the OPPOSITE of what we perceive our blockage is.

“All I could do was ‘defend’ myself. It seemed I was a target for many people to harm me.” 
That statement aligns the blockage on the defense side of the rose. The wheel must be turned. To turn the wheel, energy of OPPOSING force must be applied to begin healing. In this case it would be Fire, maybe to aid in Transformation or Transmutation of the non-beneficial thought to help Self hold to ONLY its part of accountability. This is NOT to be confused with ‘fault’ or ‘blame’. This is simply owning what you feel, what trauma you have found and working with it in Medicine or Magick.

Doing this type of work may require great effort on the Practitioners part depending on the trauma/Trauma. In time and effort the phrasing may change to, “I was attacked.” That places the root of the trauma OUTSIDE of Self and can help you begin to heal and stop unconsciously Self blaming or shaming for something such as ‘perceived weakness’.

For this situation, again, using the Element Fire to aid in your Shadow Work and Self Discovery would best serve the Intent.

Another example we like to use is this:


“I cannot seem to obtain a job that pays well.” vs “My employer will not give raises.”

Do you see the Internal versus External positing of that statement? The Root Chakra has the ability to influence the feeling of living in abundance or scarcity;  which means it is also tied to our quality of life and our financial situations. The Root Chakra has the ability to influence the amount of money that you perceive you have above all else.

The Root Chakra's Element is Earth, so grounding down to nature is immensely healing for the base chakra. Allow the vibrations of Mother Earth below you to travel up your energetic spine and flow out into all of your limbs, if that is your method of grounding for example.

When doing Work relative to ‘bringing abundance’ and you feel it is Internal for your statement, use Earth to ground yourself and bring abundance to you. Maybe try an Earth based Prosperity Spell Jar. On the other hand, if you perceive it is External, your boss, that owns the energy – because you know you work honestly, diligently and thoroughly at your job, try Element Air to change their heart. Charge the Air with Intent, or maybe try Element Air with their base Element of Zodiac if you know it. This has worked wonders for many Practitioners.

With these suggestions, remember, they are only suggestions. It is up to you to determine the Intent of ‘constructive’ (light), ‘destructive’ (dark) and Spirit (neutral) Magick and Medicine.

Bottom line, your energy has balancing needs and can directly effect you, your life and all around you. Being conscious of the connectivity of ALL things will help you in moving that energy around to best serve your growth and knowledge on your Path.


Tuesday G22

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Magick and Medicine is never ending, just as personal evolution is a continuous lifelong Experience.
Take a moment with the Lesson above and decided on a small way you can enhance your next big Work.
Answer in ONE PARAGRAPH OR MORE, the Intent,
the Element of that which the Intent is working against
as well as the Intent’s Element itself.

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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