Yona Circle
Thursday Thoughts

Advanced Practicum
Monad & Stream Recap Points

When used as a study aid, the shifting allegorical stories of tarot aid in understanding the Soul Monads and Stream Cycles. For learning purposes, the same things are said repeatedly or in different ways. We find this is the most effective way to plant the Seeds of Knowledge for this concept.

All soul personality types can be found throughout the Monads, just as plainly as those of the Ennead.  Why do we connect those two particular concepts? Well, we believe all things are connected, you just have to find the “right string” to pull … and as there are NINE MONADS …we know “ennead” means “ a group or set of nine”. Coincidence? Most of us do not believe in coincidence, not if we are here, exploring the Stream Cycles through Medicine and Magick. You too may hold “there are no coincidences, only questions to which we have yet to find the answer” as a Truth.

Do you?

A Monad is understood to be the process that occurred when intangible inexistence became tangible and existent. Are there Monads we have yet to discover? Most likely. But we start here, on this plane. And in doing so, we see an existence began to “Experience” or “live”.


Other names it is known as on various Paths: “Oversoul” and “Group Soul”. As we walked across the world with Wahya, we learned of other Paths. Revisit this shared Knowledge if need be.

Initially imaging the “Soul” was the universal symbol of the most primordial times of Africa, the “Cross.” It indicates the mortal “Spirit” (Energy and transient Matter form) attached to a “Circle” (representing the immortal and eternal Divine Consciousness). Now known as the Ankh Symbol, its loop, called the Shen (the symbol of eternity), is equated to the top part and is associated with the Cartouche–a rope of sunlight or ‘Life Force’ harnessed into the form of a Circle (meaning that which is encircled by the sun will always be eternal–an encircling with the same force as the Halo around a Star). By c20,000 BC these concepts, as Cause and/or Effects, spurred Subjective Science studies of the sky by Very Ancient African “Hour-Priests.”

Ātman, sometimes spelled without a diacritic as atman in scholarly literature, means "real Self" of the individual, "innermost essence." While often translated as "soul", it is better translated as "Self” as we are not believed to be “separate” from it.

Zhong Guo
Chinese hun and po are understood as "soul" or "spirit", and both are basic components in "soul" compounds. In the following examples, all Chinese-English translation equivalents are hunpo 魂魄 "soul; psyche"

Dusha, (Slavic origin) is the Russian word for soul. It has the same root as the verb to breath: the soul therefore becomes a long breath. “Life” (But Dusha is also a synonym for HUman.)

Waugal or waug means soul, spirit or breath. The Waugal is the major spirit for Noongar people and central to our beliefs and customs. Waugal has many different spellings, including Waakal, Wagyl, Wawgal, Waugal, Woggal and Waagal.

Caesar (§ 6.14) states that the Druids taught “that souls do not become extinct, but pass after death from one body to another.” Diodorus Siculus (§ 5.28) expands upon this idea, stating that the Celts believed that “the souls of humans are immortal and that after a prescribed number of years they commence upon a new life. A modern term that is used is a combination of Anam is the Gaelic word for soul; cara is the word for friend. So anam cara means soul friend. The anam cara was a Being/Higher Self to whom you could reveal the hidden depths of your life. This friendship was an act of recognition and belonging.

Tsalagi (Cherokee)
The Nunnehi (Cherokee: ᏅᏁᎯ (Nvnehi)) were believed to be an EXTERNAL Bring after colonization. But some believe it is INTERNAL and is our immortal spirit, or soul. After colonization, most began to believe that Nunnehi are a race of immortal spirit people, Nunnehi literally means "The People Who Live Anywhere", but it is often translated into English as "The People Who Live Forever", or simply "The Immortals".

One Monad can emanate many souls.

One soul emanates all Stream Cycles, hence many lives.

It is complete with all personality types, or expressions of the Divine Energy that can occur at any time in its Soul Journey. This includes all flora, fauna, and other emanations of energy.

Stream Cycles are different spaces, or stages of Consciousness, or “Awakening”. One is no more important than the other, as it is believed that all will be Experience over time. So, smile kindly upon others in trying situations.

Many believe this is why we do not cast judgement as you too will have — or have had — that Experience. (There is a greater empathetic feeling associated with having previously had the Experience.) As ALL EXPERIENCES WILL BE HAD by every Soul. It is thought that believing anything less is permitted, but is very limiting as is often done on some Paths. 3CMM believes that ALL is permitted. It is thought that not believing the open flow of energy is capable of all things is to limit that energy.

Why would we do that and still expect to evolve?

Can you hear someone stating, “I would never be XYZ”? Why? What would stop them from being it?

Keep in mind, while this is the belief for many Paths, as well as that of Reverend Richoz, YOU have to make sense to you. What works for your ‘reason’?

you cannot imagine, see, think about or fathom the possibilities of limitless energies throughout all Time, Space and Dimenion … RIGHT NOW…. why not?


We have touched on these at various times throughout 3CMM, but we will reiterate them here. Some of the meanings have been skewed by those seeking fortune, fame, and monetary gains from them. The esoteric meaning remains:

A “twin flame” is the emanation of two divine personality types from the SAME soul.
This can be ANYTHING.

“She feels deeply connected to her cat, seemingly understanding its mewing.” “He feels deeply connected to his motorcycle, it has never let him down. It has even stalled a time or two, preventing him from accidents.” “They feel connected to their plants, so much so, they hear the plant calling for water.” Keep in mind also that other entities can effect/affect Beings around you. An example of that would be if a Guide stalled the motorcycle before he tried to leave. You have to determine where the energy is emanating from. Was it a tonal meow that you understood directly heard from the cat, or was it an Intuitive interpretation inside of you? Find your source before you label other things as this.

A “soul mate” is the emanation of divine personality from a DIFFERENT soul. It COMPLIMENTS OR DETRACTS from one’s Soul Journey. This emanation DOES NOT have to originate from the same soul.

“You have helped me without fail throughout my life.” “You have done nothing but be my cheerleader for success.” “No matter how much time passes, we can pick back up where we left off.” This goes both ways and is UNCONDITIONAL. The transverse, “since the day we married, we have fought.” “Every time I go around that animal it tries to bite me.”

It is perceived by many Practitioners that our goal on our Soul Journey is to come into and Awaken to the Monad or Stream Cycle we are in and learn to function, with our Medicine and Magick, to its fullest potential for this Cycle. This in turn will aid in bringing about what some call “Karmic Disentanglement”. Or, healing previous Experiences with fuller understanding of them. Simply looking at the person once you can remove “the abuser” lens opens many doors of discovery. This happens after one finds Forgiveness and embraces Unconditional Love. Many will not achieve this in “one lifetime”.

It is believed we will return over and over with that “Soul Mate” if we are unable to learn from the Experience, good - bad - indifferent.


Each Monad is a microcosm of “the Above”, or Spirit. (As above, so below)
Example: Milky Way Galaxy (Monad in all stages of Consciousness, or Stream Cycle), Planets (Soul), where the lives on the planets are the emanation of ONE soul. Make sense? This concept goes all the way back from the Aboriginal of Australia to the Tsalagi of Turtle Island. It is believed that the concept of “humans” being from “the stars” predates even the Egyptian deities by tens of thousands of years.

Inside the Monad, the Stream Cycles are all moving in different directions at the same time and are manifested in different ways… at the same time. This is why another can COMPLIMENT OR DETRACT from your Soul Journey. Even the “bad shit” means something, such as a catalyst for Change, which is in itself a Universal Constant.

“Clean. Clear. Curious.” ~ Koshin West

Many Practitioners of the Arcane Arts say to always be curious of the All, as the All is our Teacher or Guide to the next Stream Cycle of Experiences. We can rest or move, it is always our Free Will to move at our pace of understanding.

Humans placed these names upon this concept.
You may come to know it differently on your Soul Journey.
Do what comes to you, what makes most sense, what you feel most.


Ask the Universe “to Know”, and if your Heart or Mind or Spirit is ready to receivethat Knowing, it will be revealed to you. But, not a moment before the Universe feels you are ready for that Knowledge. Why?

The stories that are heard most are those of, “I would not have listened had I been told sooner”, or, “I simply had to Experience XYZ to learn (humility, humbleness, etc)”, or, “I thought I was the cock of the walk in my twenties, I had to be sat down”. The stories of “why not” go on and on. Why? Simple, hindsight is usually 20/20. We see clearly when we look back. It is much harder to look at Self NOW and decide what our Highest Benefit is. Both Ego and Shadow — unhealthy and unhealed, can keep us from our Sight.


Tarot Representatives

All Monads can be Experienced through Dream, even if not in our waking states or it is not present in our current Cycle. Through dreams, we can “remember” the Experience if we have already had it this Monadic expression. Or, we can learn how to evolve into it and “swim” to a better benefit for Self.


Protoneira or Proa; “to conceive
Court card: The Fool, The Heirophant, and The Chariot



Self Induced State; Self-Coma (attachments of this plane; attachments to Matter)

Pips: Ace through Ten of Swords

Newer souls tend to focus on the “differences” (haves and have nots) of “what do I have”, “what do I want”, “what do I need”, “what benefits me most”.

These are difficult to see or acquire for this Stream sometimes. ACCEPTANCE is a huge Life Lesson for this Stream. Older souls tend to focus on the Experience itself. An example would be someone who is “good at being poor”, “does not waste”, “is conscious of others without negating Self” when it comes to basic needs of Life such as food, shelter, clothing, charity of Time, etc.



Here again are the SEVEN PLANES OF EXISTENCE, or “Experience”, each vibrating differently:
Astral (level of manifestation; Astral Travel, Lucid Dreamnig)
Monadic (Aware of the Soul Monad in which we currently operate - Soul Work/Soul Retrieval)
Divine (remembering that we already remember and allowing it to manifest and permeate for full embodiment)
Return to Source (Whatever that means to you, Source or Reincarnate)



Learning the Monadic and Stream Cycles is one of the most difficult concepts to grasp in Western Esoteric Knowledge. This concept is carried from Indigenous First Peoples to Ancient Jewish Mystics to Pythagoreans to our modern Craft. Some believe even further back than the time we Know. For thousands of years this concept has been prevailed in different ways in Magick and Medicine with little exploration and study due to its depth. This is why we save it for your Third Degree with Yona Circle to dive into… and not everyone completes this Journey into the concept at 3CMM. Some Practitioners, even now, have to stop and come up for air. Some return, many do not.

Why do we reiterate this, again? Because this is One of 7 and 9 respectively. This is a major investment of personal Time in addition to what is already expected to complete the course. We understand that not everyone has, nor wishes to make, that sort of personal Time for a concept such as this. THIS is s safe place to step off the train and away from the Fire hose of Knowledge.☺


Thursday YS2

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Please take a few moments with the weeks Lessons.
Think about yourself in this Stream. Can you recall a time you may have been swimming through?
How about when you look at those around you? Are they Awake and Aware of their Actions or Inactions?
How about you? Do you know your “why” as to where you are walking your spiritual Path currently?

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