Yona Circle
Thursday Thoughts

Advanced Practicum
Monad & Stream VII Analysis


Hi again! This week of reading and even more absorption and Self Work has hopefully taken place with additional dedicated time. Again, please use this time to revisit the “Self Coma”, “Deep Sleeper”, “Sleep Walker”, “Awakening”, “Studious” (or, “to study”), “To Review”, and now adding “Enthusiastic Application”… or something like that — whichever calls to you. Even these Monads and Streams can change in perspective and interpretation for each person. Has that occurred to you? Please add these in turn to your Journal. Keep a notebook. Make note cards. Whatever you need to do to begin recognizing the characteristics of these Cycles not only in Other, but ALSO IN SELF. Having this Knowledge will aid with where we go on our Path, as stated, especially in navigating with others. Shadow Work and Ego clues are revealed and have been all along. Having this Knowledge will also assist with determining our source types.

Do you know yours? Have you evolved from it or changed with it? Have you moved between Monads while walking with 3CMM?

Knowing these characteristics can also tell us we have transitioned and to what Stream of Consciousness we may be currently swimming. Our personal levels of accountability change and evolve through these too. A Practitioner in this latest Stream of Consciousness we studied is quite capable of helping run a Ritual, and doing so unassisted and independent of another for an in Public Ritual just as the previous Stream of Consciousness can. The Divine stream continues to be where Soul Retrieval works BEST.

Are you there yet?

Remember, any one in any stream may at any time take advantage of another. Some simply make it easier.

Sit with that. Explore it. Sip carefully.

P.S. Not many teach our analysis of Consciousness. We are JUST NOW starting to even acknowledge that there REALLY is “something energetically greater” than we perceive… even if it is “only energy”. Our scientific community is picking up on it. Quantum Physics is Experiencing it. Magick is the beautiful thing that some of us place in lieu of scientific categorization. ;0)


Thursday YO4

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

SUBMISSIONS - PART I & II (Due by First Sunday of November)
While we are nearing the end of our Lessons on this aspect of Consciousness,
we are dropping off Stream Seven and forging ahead to continue Monads Eight & Nine.

Understand that we can shift through any of these bits of Consciousness, Monads or Streams, at any point in our lives. It is a natural occurrence, as we said, because we were not handed a How to Become Aware book in childhood.

So, let us explore!



With that Knowledge we have gained, we are going to actually sit with our Self and review our life, just as you have been with each of these analysis. Beginning with a memory of Self as far back as you can go in this Manifestation, you are going to follow that string. The Ups, the Downs. Recall. Remember. Review. See the reasons you are now exactly where you are.

This thought exercise should take you some time, but do what you feel without taking away from the flow. It can take an hour, it can take several days. Go with that. For this portion, write several paragraphs about the Thoughts, Memories or Realizations that you come up with during this contemplation. Keep it relevant to what brought you to where you are NOW in your life.

Lessons are subject to change without notification to Practitioners.
Late Submissions receive no credit without prior approval.



For the second part of this to be done during your Involution time, you are going to reaffirm your dedication to Self, Higher Self, Better of Self, and those things to the like that call to you. With Part II, you are going to take the Knowledge you have about how the Experiences of Matter most likely are going to be for you and you are going to VERBALLY rededicate to yourself.


You are going to write a letter to yourself, a minimum of TWO PAGES.
Submit a copy of this letter to 3CMM.
You are then to read that letter aloud to yourself in front of a mirror.

Easy, right?

Only if you like the sound of your own voice being recorded. ;-) For this, you are to record yourself reading that letter ALOUD. You may use your phone, video camera, or other device and save the file to your Cloud Drive, whichever you prefer, and send a link to listen to 3CMM. It is entirely up to you if you wish to have anyone present for this portion. Most Practitioners set the Focus of the Reaffirmation Letter with mood, candles, music, etc. Something is done that is deeply meaningful to that Practitioner, including locations and use of a hand held mirror. It is entirely up to you in how you wihs to connect with Self in light of your contemplations. You know what you thought. You know what you feel. You know how to change for your Highest Benefit. You know what YOU need to do to achieve this goal. Acknowledge these things to Self. Be truthful with Self.

(The audio file is typically 3 to 5 minutes but can be longer. The longer the video, the longer it will take to upload. Some may consider loading it to their Youtube account and saving it privately “for those with the link ONLY” to view as an option.)

Lessons are subject to change without notification to Practitioners.
Late Submissions receive no credit without prior approval.

The above image is something that I have done several times throughout my life while doing that tedious Self Work and Soul Retrieval. As you can see, there were some things ‘way back when’ that effected me that did not or would not effect me in the same way now, and rightly so. Older. Wiser. Matured. Experienced. So on and so forth. THIS particular method is one that has helped many of us literally ‘map out life’ when things become jumbled up on our time lines so we can more fully return to Balance and Harmony. Try it. It may work for you too. It really does help to integrate and acknowledge things that happen to us in this Experience of Matter.
— Reverend Richoz, RN