Yona Circle
Thursday Thoughts

Advanced Practicum
Monad & Stream VI Analysis


Another week of reading has passed and hopefully even more absorption has occurred. Wednesday Lesson was a heavy passage to read for some. Again, please use this time to revisit the “Self Coma”, “Deep Sleeper”, “Sleep Walker” “Awakening”, “Studious” (or, “to study”) and now “To Review” materials. Recognizing the characteristics of these Cycles will aid us with where to go on our Journey and give insight on how to navigate with others. It helps us to determine our source personality types — which give way to where we are each swimming in Consciousness. Learning Self shows us so many answers, answers we always have had. Honing Intuition also helps with this process.

Knowing these characteristics of Self can also tell us how reliable we are, or someone in these streams of consciousness may be. This is important to consider if we delegate responsibility to them. If “too much” is perceived by Self or Other, many actions may occur It helps to understand those patterned actions, reactions and inactions. A Practitioner in this latest Stream of Consciousness we studied is quite capable of helping run a Ritual, assisted at first but over time they may succeed at independent Public Ritual as the previous Stream of Consciousness can.

The Soular stream is where Soul Retrieval begins to work BEST. Are you beginning your work on Self here?

Again, people in these Stream Cycles are not “less” than anyone else, they are simply “not awake”, “just waking” or “sleep walking” their ways through the Experience we call “life”. As we evolve personally, we learn that we simply cannot wake someone up. We love. We comfort. We “hold the bucket”. Once we have “awakened”, things may change a little on ones Path or Journey. New practices are sought. New relationships are started. New beginnings are found. As we move into and through the Fifth Monad, it becomes VERY CLEAR to those around us who has done Ego and Shadow work regularly and those who have extensive Spiritual growth occurring. We cannot “lie” to those who swim in these higher vibrating Monads and Streams. Their Intuition is honed, the Consciousness is clear, and their Self work is continuous. When they are knocked from their Tree by an Experience that is new to them, it takes them very little time to adjust their sails or climb back into the Tree. They fully integrate their Experiences. Unconditional Love comes easier. Forgiveness comes easier. Acceptance comes easier. In the face of a higher Monad individual, we may only be deceiving our Self in an Untruth or Falsehood. We feel it. They feel it.

Do you see anyone around you who sometimes fits the description of “studious”?

When we perceive or can recognize those in various Monads and Streams, that Knowledge stays with us. It assists us in various ways on our Journeys. It can protect us. It can help us make decisions during difficult times. It is valuable Knowledge to understand and recognize the patterns of life around us. Once we do, and the more often we see it, the stronger our ability becomes in recognizing them. We can tehn begin to adjust that action, reaction and interaction with them in more beneficial ways. Remember, there are people who take advantage of other people in ALL Streams and Monads. Especially those who may swim in a less Aware state, or who do not know they are being taken advantage of.

Remember, any one in any stream may at any time take advantage of another. Some simply make it easier.

Sit with that. Explore it. Sip carefully.


Thursday YO3

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Please take some time to review the week’s Lessons
before submitting THREE PARAGRAPHS or more
answering the following questions and giving contemplations of
the concepts you recognize or that vibrate with your Awareness.

What do you see in Self?

What do you see in Other? (Or others around you?)

Are you vibrating to your Highest Benefit?

While we all do not walk the same Paths in Matter, we understand that no two perspectives are the same. The spiritual evolution of a being is often evidenced by how well it can recognize and interpret new and differing concepts in their reality. Beings that are able to see different and varying ways of perception without invalidating those other perceptions of reality are more complete in their Experiences of Matter. This is critical to acknowledge for our Universal growth in Consciousness for ALL beings.

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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