Wahya Circle
Thursday Thoughts

Beginning Psychic Work
Psychic Mapping

The purpose of this activity is to tune in your Mind’s Eye perception and hone in the Clair ability of “remote viewing”, which is a technique that we expound upon from the First Degree of Wahya Circle, all the way until the Third Degree of Yona Circle.

Thought Magick, Remote Viewing, Astral Travel, and many other concepts such as these will be brought forth more so as we travel onward with our Journey. If you feel at any time that what is being asked of you is not something you will ever do in your personal practices, we understand. However, it is a part of this curriculum and your participation is required to complete this course. If you feel it is something you simply will NOT do, then we understand the need to part ways as we have shared to the highest benefit for you. We wish you well on your Journey to the Knowledge that best serves you.

If you are still reading, let us sip from the Fire Hose of Knowledge!

This is not to be confused with the term related to literary studies, nor the term that is gatekeeping with the psyche. The first purpose of Reality Mapping is to know what your personal map of reality, your perception, may be versus someone else’s. That goes for both Matter and Spirit. Knowing where “you” end and “another” begins is crucial to your manifestation’s growth in Matter. This Arcane Art is enhanced by these activities and activities like them. Working with them will also build your own psychic Clair muscles automatically.  

As we have learned, all things have energy. The Practitioner does NOT have to be present to effect change, or affect change, on other energy. Not everyone has this ability as they do not train for it, but so you can — PRACTICE with it, or were not raised with the awareness… yet it is still there.

Many Practitioners do not believe in the energy of everything, hence, we have lost the Medicine and Magick our Ancestors and Indigenous taught and had with the many worlds that are. This activity will help you flex the muscle to regain some of that Knowledge.


List five to ten locations that are of relative importance to you. This can be your child’s favorite playground to a place you like to hike, or the bathroom at the Taj Mahal.

Pick two points of reference that are well known to anyone familiar with the areas you listed. This can be a gas station down the road, “the Big Chicken”, or a landmark you would give someone if giving directions to this location.

DRAW a map that can be followed from either of those points of reference to one of the locations you picked in STEP ONE.

This map can be as detailed or as abstract as you like, in whatever style of art you want to work with... but it should also be a functional map.

The purpose of this exercise follows energy in the sense of “as above, so below”. The elements you see with your physical eyes also produce impressionistic energy in your Mind’s Eye. Everything you sense with these locations, count. The more you remember, the more you can astrally travel to these locations in the future with your practice.

Explore that as you create your map. As you are deciding each location, see it in your Eye. Describe it. Can you close your eyes and see a picture form as you describe the location? This is a powerful image you hold in your Mind’s Eye.

This is your first Sense-based Reality Map. Keep it somewhere safe or in your BoS as we will visit these maps again. This is not a “required” Submission at this time, but this activity, as with many others, WILL be accessed in the future.


Ethics in Magick 101
White Witching

Inspired by Dismantling Whiteness
Cyndi Brannen
of Keeping Her Keys

Basically, Cyndi says “don’t do it” – “white witch” that is. Why? Let us explore that!

Before we begin, try to free yourself, decolonize your mindset, no matter what your “race” is, or how you culturally identify.

Think. Human.

Ask yourself where your thoughts come from in Magick and Medicine and follow that to its source, no matter what you are practicing. Sure, practice what calls to you because who is to say that four generations ago you were not Indigenous, or Gaelic, or African. That’s akashic and we as Practitioners, no matter what Mystic Judaism says, are not there yet. Ask yourself if your answer to any question Is a fact  - or - an opinion? What is it based on? Where did you learn it? Is it unfounded? Is it from Ego? Is it from Shadow? Is it a knee jerk emotional response? Is it something you “thought was cool”, so you did it?

Follow it to its source.

Where did that practice that you accepted personally come from? Is it native to your area? You? Your family? Are you just copying your neighbor or the Coven – Group – Grove, or …the Internet — or worse, WitchTok? (Not all TikTok is bad, but the misinformed sh*t gets real deep, real fast!)

Cyndi Brannen (Keeping Her Keys) has gotten into some trouble in the past with violations of the terms of service on various Social Media outlets. Sure, reported by other dogmas, but, who is Social Media anyway?

That is most often where people go that want to speak in echo chambers and want to hear “like-minded” others, erm, themselves, speak from Ego more often than not.

That can be both good and bad. Good in the sense that depending on where you are in your spiritual Journey, you are personally reinforced and know you are not alone.

It can be “bad”, or “non-beneficial” in the sense you only hear a few perspectives and carry contempt for anyone outside of your selected group, with a whole lot of pitting and gatekeeping. (Gatekeeping esoteric knowledge is rampant in the United States.)

Despite the fact Cyndi’s “whiteness” was showing, she did take ownership of it. The problem is, “white guilt” is not healing the Shadow some have created as a culture. It is not giving back to the Community that your people may have adopted a practice from, or straight taken. (Most indigenous thought is that it only becomes theft if you give back nothing. Them. You. Someone.)

We used to give other perceived elitists grief in the 1980s for filming starving children of Alkebulan (Africa) and not offering to feed them while the camera person stood there eating a sandwich.

No, many are not saying you did it, they are asking “what are you doing to help” or “give back” for the Knowledge we shared with you? For Three Circles Medicine & Magick, it is enough to see each of you grow in your practices.

Well, what are you doing?

There is a saying that holds true today just as it has for thousands of years. It has many translations and credited to many, but it basically says, “if one cannot give at their poorest, they will never give at their richest.”

Yes, binary in polarity, but humans have devolved sometimes to that quite extensively in some ways. That covers wealth in all forms including the wealth of the mind.


It is extremely important as a global Consciousness that we do NOT continue to perpetuate gatekeeping outside of keeping the stream of Knowledge “manageable” as to not overwhelm younger Souls, which many Practices and Paths do, AND not just with witchcraft.

Before the advent of dogma, there was peace. As Indigenous, we shared Knowledge and did not let our neighbor starve or go without. It was not until our resources were stretched thin providing for payment, or homage, to a crown or overseer that we became fierce in the protection of what was left. We played “ball” on Turtle Island instead of war as often as we could. Many things were decided WITHOUT bloodshed. Jarawa. Aborignal. Sami. Many felt the same.

Think about what kind of energy return you are going to have throwing rocks in the pond of the cosmos with your Craft. Sure, you can do some Ego driven Magick for the benefit of Self, but what are you willing to exchange? Anything? Are you “taking everything” and returning “nothing”? How do you balance that energy exchange?

Is the exchange a flat tire for a seeming inconvenience of Time? A brain tumor you survive? Lights are out today? Bad weather that destroys your property? Some of these are out of our control. But, we are not saying that these are direct “consequence” nor “karmic” either. We are saying these are the Universe maintaining balance within and around you. Weigh your actions, always.

Energy is in everything, and Universal Energy seeks balance. That is a cornerstone for what we teach here at Three Circles Medicine & Magick™.


Now, we will share here again, there are ways to take energy from the life of others that have wronged an innocent child or animal. But again, you have to weigh why what happened to that energy happened and if it was being Divine or not. Does this Experience continue or was it a rare one-time event that was needed to make a Universal energy “course correction” to — say — encourage someone to be a law enforcement officer when they grew.

Because when we follow the line out, that LEO ends up being the only jone that would listen to intel that brought down an entire human trafficking ring. Can you follow the string of that energy to See where it may lead and effect many other choices? Are you willing to try? This is deep philosophical debate that many Practitioners are beginning to have around the world.

We are contemplating so much on the movement of energy in the cosmos that we are working with several Paths right now in a Pagan Think Tank. We need to begin discussing the restoration of Medicine and Magick here on Earth as we have a whole cosmos to contend with and Soul Work yet to do.

Remember, until the arrival of colonizers and European dogma telling the Indigenous that they were “damned”, introducing Patriarchal “demons”, they were not all the warring type. Nor were they the “haves” and “have nots”. The Indigenous survived thousands of years happy and with Spirit Medicine and Magick, all without gunpowder. They were not even looking for it. As we go a little deeper into European Magick specifically, look and ask yourself why this change in thought and Ego may have occurred.


Back to Cyndi, another statement she made that we do tend to agree with is, “check your privilege”. Basically, asking ourselves if we are coming from a place of dominance OR attempted dominance over the individual, or group, with whom we are interacting. Are you? Also, ask if we believe that we are inherently better than another group or individual. This mindset is prevalent in the United States, Germany, Australia and several other countries. That is a thought from unhealed, unhealthy, Ego.

In addition, having an attitude that we are the “chosen ones” can also be a sign of privilege …erm… Ego.

In other words, be humble.

We do not first hand know how everything has gotten to where it is with Magick or Medicine. Well, not all of us. Not yet. Cyndi has done a pretty good job of damage control and bringing her Focus on Hekate and sharing that Knowledge into check. A degree does not always bring Wisdom, but it can bring exposure to learn that Wisdom if our eyes, Hearts, or Minds are open and clean to receive it.

We have learned quite extensively with Three Circles Medicine & Magick™ that the “source” around the world before the 14th century was Indigenous or native to Mother Earth, and the Universe. After that Time, and after the rise of Victorian Era practices, a solely “white originated” practice did not often exist. (To most, “pagan” was indigenous.)

After all, “this go round”, those of Zhong Guo did not colonize, or conquer the world for Buddha, or Confucius, nor the Emperor. Those of Alkebulan did not either.

Remember, in·dig·e·nous


adjective: indigenous; adjective: Indigenous

  1. 1.

    originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.

    "coriander is indigenous to southern Europe"


Now, let us heal the path to the Medicine and Magick that we have lost over time and enrich the practices we have personally taken on. Let us not be Practitioners who feel “white guilt” or Experience the fallout from it in any form because we accepted an idea from the Path.

A “specific Path”…. OUR PERSONAL PATH.

There are Practitioners who hate their own skin because of the atrocities afforded and forced upon others by their Ancestors and Elders. This is just as bad if ANY human does it, whether that atrocity was Rwandan genocide or Canadian genocide.

You are beautiful, never alone, and Unconditionally Loved – no matter what Path you walk.

We cannot change that history. We are benefited in the highest to Change —how we treat ourselves and  others - NOW. We are here to set our sails for the future of Magick and Medicine and how it is received by others.

We are wise to act in accordance with what is going to be the best practices to keep our species alive and balanced with Animus Mundi. We are wisest to learn to work together, with the only home we all currently have…


Let us be the humans that we all are, as we are all the same animal.

We are all born of the Womb.

We all live on the same planet, and currently the only one we occupy.

We all breathe the same Air.

We all drink Water that cycles through the same source.

We all bleed.

We all die.

The cycle is the same for all of us. Yet, we each have a different perspective. A different Path. Many are beginning to understand that we are different expressions of the Divine Universe as it is. Each of us is an expression, an avatar if you will, of the Divine Energy.

Think back to the Sami. Do you recall what they said of war? It is true. There is NO RECORD of the Sami warring with anyone - ever - throughout time, not even when forced to “pay tribute” to others with their precious resources. They are a peaceful people who understand the connectivity of everything in the Universe and can feel it. Most Indigenous, before dogmatic corruption, believed in this Universal unity.

In closing, a final suggestion Brannen made, “check the privilege of the teachers and authors you admire. Do they claim that their way is the superior one? Is diversity found in their followers? Have they ever denounced a group due to reasons of identity, for example TERF witches who decry non-biological women.”

”Like minded” is not always what it seems.


”TERF” is a brand of modern “feminism” that excludes trans women. “Trans women are not women” they say. That in itself is contradictory to how we practice the energy in Medicine and Magick as the Universal Energy - What Name You Call It, manifests “on a spectrum” and is Unconditional. Only humans place conditions on each other.

Moreover, we cannot speak on Universal Unconditional Love and teach all are loved “except this one”. What dogma does that begin to sound like? That is not Unconditional and defies logic to most.

This practice can go for anyone as “sexual identity” is not a tenet of most Paths. We are all human. There is so much more in the Universe that is NOT human … if humans live to see them. We are not the only bipedal humanoids in existence on this plane… on this planet.

Hold on. You are about to Experience a ‘surge’ in the Fire-hose of Knowledge!

Ethics in Magick 101
Music for Perspective

The attached video segways nicely from the previous article. It is how we at 3CMM feel about our Spirit Medicine and Magick when studying it and its writings.

Parallel what is being said in this video about music, with your Magick.

Give it some time and you will understand what this is referring to if you are not “musically inclined” and see it immediately. Take note of the subtext of what is being said. Many aspects of Magick are actually mentioned.

Can you hear them?

PLEASE KNOW — We are NOT trying to destroy anything about any Practitioner that is walking Wahya Circle with us.

Witch the way you wanna witch”, as they say. Simply try to understand you do NOT have to have a colonized mind to do this and doing so can conditionally lock you from many other practices, like Conjure and Root Work.

All of it is open for you to explore and Experience. Acknowledging how deep this “rabbit hole” goes is the first step to our collective healing process.

Determine if you can hear the parallels.

This video will take 44 minutes, but it is important time to give to the healing and mending in Magick we are all wise to do  - and you ALL are invited.

Take this as a building block parallel of the future Magickal and Medicinal practices we will be pioneering.

Leave a “like” or a comment. He did an excellent job. (Bonus points if you know who this is.)

LINK Music Theory…

Pythagoras believed in the healing power of music and composed “musical medicine.”


Ethics in Magick 101
Witch Privilege

A reason some Practitioners do NOT call themselves “witch” —at least not in some circles, really exists. Reverend Richoz is one such Practitioner. Here is a perspective on archaeology and witchcraft that not just her, but many follow.

The crux of witchcraft accusations are explained in this video from an archaeologic perspective. These are some of the motivations behind the notions of “nah, just call me ‘Practitioner’.”

Take a listen. This is a powerful TEDTalk:
Witchcraft, water bottles and white privilege | Katie Biittner | TEDxMacEwanU


Think About It

Take your time. Let this soak in. Let’s work as a Society towards a magickal solution.

Maybe not today, but a goal for tomorrow.


Thursday WS2

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

(Due by Sunday)

Please answer the following questions
from the Music Theory video:

1 This is a Folk Song, or way to sing Folk songs, in Norther India. According to the video, what is it this method called?

2 According to the video, Quadrivium is _______ and was founded by who? This person is also the grandfather of many modern practices of Magick and Medicine.


Answer in TWO PARAGRAPHS or more:

What are your thoughts on the video for Ethics in Magick 101: Witch Privilege?

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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to receive full Submission credit.

Late Submissions receive no credit
without prior approval.