
Wahya Circle
Thursday Thoughts
Beginning Energy Work
Element Fire
It is very Divine, or apropos, that we are studying Element Fire a little more in depth as we are going through a Fire, or a Leo Time. Although fire can be a destructive force, we are going to be looking at it from a strong protective state of Thought Magick, just as that that can be Experienced when you work with Element Water as we attempted during Vernal Quarter with Element Water. (Please review if needed.)
As we know, the Element Fire transmutes all things. It changes them, eternally, for good, bad, or indifferent. One of the Four Sacred Tools of Modern WitchCraft is considered to be the “wand”, which is representative of Element Fire. One of the purposes of using “wand” in this way is to aid in the TRANSMUTING of items or Works into our Intented Will. It is to “direct” the Energy we are working with in where to go.
To clarify, “transmute” means:
change in form, nature, or substance.
"the raw material of their experience was transmuted into stories"
For example:
"the quest to transmute lead into gold"
“the energy of the basil, an herb of Fire, was transmuted into the energy of the Protection Spell.”
The Wand also represents the God, or masculine, energy. (Where we will learn the Chalice represents the Goddess, or feminine, when we discuss the polarities again.) In many practices, the wand and chalice are used in conjunction to maintain “balance” of Energy. But for the sake of our discussion, we will freely discuss FIRE in all its glory.
Element Fire, the Salamander, may be called for every purpose that you may Magickally or Medicinally have. Traditionally, its aspects are Change, Courage, Creativity, Motivation, Passion, Sensuality, Will, and others, Path dependent. It is also Sexuality, in both the physical and spiritual realms. Element Fire is traditionally used in spells, rituals and Candle Magick for Healing, Purification, Sex Magick, Banishing Habits, as well as the destruction of illness and disease, Plant and Animal alike. Element Fire is strong enough to Cleanse, Consecrate and Protect -- it desires to be utilized for those purposes. It asks that the Practitioner Divine or decide with Intuition what is best to use in each situation.
In many cases, an Element that will not serve as strongly against the opposing Element is chosen. What do we mean by that? An example would be an issue with a coworker arises. This coworker is one who happens to be a Pisces, or Water sign as well. The Practitioner calls upon Element Water (Check your correspondences with Deity, Colors, Element, etc) to assist in the workings. Many times, using the same Element as your target only creates more of the same energy and encourages it to come back twice as hard.
Like attracts like.
When Fire is called upon however, precaution is taken to make it full strength and the transmutation of the Element Water to “steam” takes place. Once the coworker blew off their steam and was then dry, they apologized and within weeks found a new job.
Make sense?
Always explore your options with Element Fire. Although a very “lively” and seemingly “chaotic” Element, it will work with you in many ways, do not be afraid. The Salamander can be a valuable Element Ally.
Beginning Energy Work
Fire Wall
At this point, it is wise to be well acquainted with your personal psychic abilities as these are a very integral part of evolving your personal Magick and Medicine.
(We recently took a look at those in an Assessment here at Wahya Circle.)
We have attempted several exercises utilizing this energy. The purpose of these exercises when given in Lessons is to improve our understanding that our mind holds a Key to our magick. Although it is a major Key to both our Magickal and Medicinal abilities, it is not THE Key. For those that work on these abilities, our Psychic Abilities are even tied to this. We understand this natural human ability to access energies outside of us is as simple as flexing a muscle. Or, it used to be.
The only problem is, generations before us steered us away from using it. It is definitely a muscle that we are wise to tone and strengthen as Practitioners. The more we use our abilities, the better and stronger we will become. Besides, the evolution of things is not moving backwards, Practitioners.
This visualization is exactly like a previous one in MANY ways, but caution must be used.
With this visualization, you are going to psychically “start a fire” the next time you are in a space, your home, a store, a crowded place, where you need to clear energy and/or people out of your way. Notice we said ENERGY. This exercise does wonders for cleansing and clearing a space as well. (Any Element can.)
To begin:
Ready yourself in your most efficient, yet simple, way you know. For example, think about how you keep yourself calm in a crowded line at check for a store. Do you do Breath Work? Do you count? How do you calm?
Settle in that place. Your place. This is Quick-Center, or Quick Calm. It is that part of Self that balances you at times such as these.
Now, dress in your ‘fire suit’ or ‘bubble’ or whatever your Protective shield is to you with the energies you work with on your Path.
Call upon Element Fire to assist you.
(Again, this is all at the speed of Thought. But, the more you Think About It, the more it becomes “muscle memory” and becomes more and more effective for you.)
Tell the Element what your Intent is at this time. Again, take the space you are in into your Mind’s Eye, or Imagination it. See the boundaries, the floors, ceiling, walls. Or, if outside, a tree, a trashcan, a stage, and aisle, etc. See some boundaries that leave an open spot AWAY from you for the people or energy to funnel out and away.
Focus on the PROJECTED thought to your target of “I need to escape.” Feel the energy of the “need to escape” come into you emotional and push it out with this Thought Magick mantra above, onto your target or obstacle. (This is also wonderful Psychic Defense.)
At first it may take a few tries to even move one person. In time, it can move crowds.
In your Mind’s Eye, see a giant wall of smoke beginning to smolder at one of the spaces you are Focusing on. See from across that space, a small fire at first. Watch it as it grows into a wall of flames.
The wall of flames now crackling before you, see that wall of Fire start slowly rising up and the flames beginning to lick higher and higher.
See the salamander of flames begin to crawl towards you, closing up behind those you wish to move away and out. See it cross you, warmly kissing your flesh as it moves, closing the space, making it smaller and smaller towards the exit.
”I must escape.”
See the space engulfed in thousands of the flames of salamander crawling over the energy, the people, toward the exit.
You have again “painted” it/them away with a wall of Fire.
Do this as slowly and Intently as you can when first beginning.
Once you are satisfied that it is done or you do not feel you can do much more, thank Fire, the Salamander, for assisting you and show gratitude.
Beginning Psychic Work
Fire Scrying
Not everyone can fire scry, or takes the time to learn to scry – whether it is water, fire, or a crystal ball. Scrying is something that takes a strong psychic muscle. If you are ready to try it, or deepen your practice, please do. The Fire Element loves sharing with our Energy the things that it sees. Learning to interpret what you see in your mind’s eye, takes some trial and error but each Practitioner has a “code” that Divine Energies speak with to them and only them. Than code changes when you do your Shadow and Ego work as it will change in meanings to you.
The best way to perform this is typically outside, but realistically, that is not always practical or safe. So, find a place, indoors or out, where you can light a large fire that will burn for a while – OR A CANDLE. If you really cannot light a large fire, you can always do this ritual with candle flames, promise! Some Practitioners prefer to use a new single candle, while others may use several — use whichever you prefer. (If you have extinguished a candle for scrying previously and dedicated it, it may be lit again, just clear the previous energies as you would a tarot deck.)
It is imperative for most to be undisturbed during this ritual – turn off the cell phone, send the kids and spouse to a movie, and eliminate other distractions —- type of imperative. This is especially true if you are an Empath and pick up on others energies, or you are just beginning your energy work.
You may also want to have a notepad nearby so you can write down what you see. Some Practitioners find it helpful to play meditative music in the background as they are scrying.
Do what you need to set the “mood” of what you are doing. Benjamin Rowe suggests, "Four of the traditional practices of yoga are intended to reduce and eliminate such distractions.
Asana and (to a small extent) pranayama deal with physical distractions;
Pratyahara with external distractions,
Dharana with mental distractions.
These high-discipline practices are more than most people will ever need... perfection is not necessary, just something “good enough”. If you do not use these in your practices, at least learning the breathing techniques are invaluable for many circumstances, though.
If you don particular garb for your Path, you may wish to do so for this, but it’s not required. Likewise, if your Path or Tradition requires you to cast a Circle, feel free to do so before you begin as it helps protect from energetic interferences, even unintended ones.
After all prep-work is completed, light your fire (or candle) in your preferred method. This fire may be a candle, a fire pit, a fireplace, the stove, or other forms of Element Fire’s expression in Matter.
Take a few moments and watch the flames as they settle in and grow. Observe your breath. Focus to even it out in a calm rhythm for you.
Drop your shoulders down away from your ears.
Soften your gaze towards the flames.
Let the flames grow taller and bolder and brighter, as each bit of kindling catches fire.
Continue to breathe deeply and evenly, allowing yourself to relax and become comfortable as the fire blazes.
When there is a good strong fire going, this is when we are taught to Focus our vision on the center of the dancing flame(s). Do not worry about staring too hard, just rest your eyesight wherever is the most comfortable INTO THE FIRE.
This is your Divining Flame. Think of it as the first page of a book you open, or an important page. You have to read what is on that page to the rest of us and only your Intuition can interpret it.
Yes, others may interpret the very same flame in a different way, but it is de[enednt on who is asking the question and if anyone is divining, with or without Intent.
Draw the energy of the flames toward you, allowing yourself to feel their power. The warm, transmutative energy. It can heal or harm, create or destroy.
Watch for flickers and flashes. Do you see images in the flames? Some Practitioners see clear images, while others see shapes in the shadows, mere hints of what is within. Look for images that seem familiar, or for those that may repeat in a pattern. Watch the wick, or the kindling, or eye. Watch how it burns, or does not. Watch the colors.
Do you hear sounds as you watch the fire? You may hear the crackling of wood, the roar of larger flames, the snapping of embers. You can hear the changing hiss of propane flame on a gas fireplace. Some Practitioners even report hearing faint voices singing or speaking in the fire. Others have results of hearing drums all around. What sound do you have the impression of?
Thoughts and ideas may pop into your head, “clairsentience”, seemingly unrelated to anything you see or hear, but it is the thought in your Mind’s Eye.
However this scrying turns out is very personal to you. No two Practitioners do ANYTHING the same, “no two Paths are teh same.”
Be sure to have a notepad or journal in case you need to write these things down for future exploration. We will not remember everything that crosses into our mind’s eye. Some Practitioners even record themselves with their phones to playback later and take notes on for follow up.
Spend as much time as you like watching the fire — once you start to become uncomfortable or fidgety, it is time to begin closing the scry.
Ending the Scry
When you feel you have exhausted the fire, your Self, or have felt it time to stop, end your scrying session.
Take a few moments to relax, look away, close your eyes, breath, box breath, ground in your method.
You may continue feel a high sense of energy, or an unusual sensation of clarity if you have not grounded fully. Another Key clue to not grounding well for Self is often the inability to sleep.
If you experience this, do not worry, that is not uncommon. Cleanse and Clear the space well of any rogue energy. Ground yourself again using your preferred technique again later if need be.
You can either leave the fire burning, if it will be safe to do so, or you can extinguish it yourself, again, depending on your preferred method.
Please note: messages often come to us from other realms and yet we frequently do not recognize them. WRITE THEM DOWN. These messages may not be for you or may not be revealed to you as of yet. If a bit of information does not make sense, do not worry — sit on it for a few days and let your unconscious mind process it. Chances are, it will make sense eventually. It is also possible that you could receive a message that is meant for someone else — if something does not seem to apply to you, think about your circle of friends, your family, coworkers, and who it might be meant for.
Think About It
When Fire
As previously stated, know when to use Element Fire for your Works or Craft. Check your correspondences, or targets for any needed adjustments. Will you attempt this exercise or do you already utilize these energies?
Thursday WS1
General - Journal - Book of Shadows
(Due by Sunday)
Scrying, or divining, is a practice that is utilized across the world. Paths such as Santeria, Ifa, Wicca, Taoism, and many others access this Knowledge. Being able to — at a minimum — have the Knowledge in how to utilize what is around you is imperative. It is a taught ability in many cultures. Look at the indigenous tribes we have walked with throughout our Lessons.
To Experience the essence of Element Fire for Divination.
If you already utilize this ability, excellent. If you do not, we are sharing this Knowledge with you to keep in your gig bag. Learn it. Practice it. Keep it in your personal practices, modify it, or do not. It is a Lesson of Knowledge for Three Circles Medicine & Magick™.
Please answer each question below in
ONE PARAGRAPH or more. (Due by Sunday)
1 Summarize a description of your method used for this exercise.
2 What did you SEE? Was it a literal shape of a flame or a Clairvoyance in your Mind’s Eye? What else?
3 What did you HEAR? Was it snap of a twig behind you? A crackle of embers? Did you hear something through Clairaudience, a voice or song in your head? What did you hear?
4 How does the Element Fire connect to your Element versus Water? (Referring back to your birth sign, Sun Sign, Rising Sign, or Moon Sign if you know it. Would Fire work easily with you? Why or Why not?
Three Circles Medicine & Magick™
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