Wahya Circle
Thursday Thoughts

Divined for you Today:

4 Moon
Inspired from the Witches Wisdom Tarot – Phyllis Curott

There is a wildness within us all that yearns to be physical, sensual, animal, and free. But fear of this unknown part, of the Shadows where it dwells, of where it might take us and who it might make us face, has left us all only half alive. 

We live in a human constructed world of comfort and possessions, safe and secure but cut off from the natural world, from our body, from the magick of embodiment, and most of all, our Animal Cousins. It is the Moon that illuminates our ancient longing. When it appears in the night sky of our soul, it is a holy grail finally within reach, a cup of the wine of Life in which our dreams of wholeness float. It is the Moon that pulls us forward with its rhythmic ebb and flow, a mystery that women’s bodies know. Diana, Goddess of Witches and all things wild, holds the mirror of her full and shining Moon for us all to see our sacred selves, no longer hidden, doubted, or unconscious. 

The Practitioner goes to see her reflection. She enters the dark woods and Wolves appear. She slips into the deep Waters where Otters play. She even dares to brave the Dragon’s lair. 

Wildness is the only Path to the Moon. There is no need to dread the companions who will teach you how to shapeshift into hoof and horn, paw and claw, fur and feathers, fins and scales, bud and leaf and flower. Your foot is now set upon the Silver Path. The Moon will light your way from fear to the fierce and freeing desires of your wild and natural self.

Mystery. Wildness, physical Instinct. Liberated feminine power. 

When the Moon appears and the wild calls, what will you choose? The illusory safety of your city tower? The sanctuary of a Wilderness cottage with its tiny light shining in the forest? You cannot pretend that is wildness. Howl at the Moon. Race with the Wolves, swim with Otters, fly with Owls. Look back into the far distance and see the light from your cottage window. Feel a pang of sorrow for all that you have let go. Then turn to the Moon above and feel a shiver of delight. Smile to yourself. You are going home. You hear the answering howl of your companions. Watch the Moon , follow its rhythm in the sky, see how it pulls the tides below. Feel the pull within you, rising and subsiding. Feel the Moon in your body, in your heart, in your mind. When you choose to return to your cottage and community, you will return changed – free, whole, and holy. You will be blessed by the Moon.

Beginning Energy Work
Inner Healer

What we have just completed, if all Meditations and Spells were done wholly, completely, and honestly with Self, including Shadow facing, we just ran a marathon together spiritually. This marathon is liken to what they call a “gladiator challenge” . Most who complete this Multi-Continent training of this “first marathon” with the finish line of the First Leg being Gogeyi Knowledge Check. (Which is coming up.) You will all be effected differently at that point. You will be exhausted and NEED time to take in all that has been learned, or you will not. No matter what you may be feeling, the ability to have a “self healing” technique in your gig bag is priceless.

We are not done on this Journey with Wahya Circle and need to heal. We still have to walk the Americas and cross to Western Europe. That is where the Magick will become deeper for some, practiced more regularly as Medicine and we need to know how to heal ourselves as Practitioners before venturing there. This is in addition to what you may or may not already know.

To aid in healing the energy expenditure most Practitioners give in to this time, a reprieve or recharge is powerful to have in your tool bag. Some of us already have a method and it works. Some of us have a method and it works sometimes. Then, some of us have nothing and feel drained. Constantly. This exercise is mostly for those of us that regularly feel drained of energy and cannot seem to “recharge”. But, it can heal us all.

Just as in body medicine, there is energy or magick medicine. Some call this type of work “reiki” or “chakra work”.  With that, “magick illness”, or “energy sickness”, is a real thing. (There is also “ghost sickness”, “possession”/”Self-possession” —but we will get into that type of energy later.)

We have to learn “where is the energy and where do we want it” to prevent mishaps with ourselves and those around us. Understanding the flow of that energy in the Universe and focusing our Intent to flow WITH that energy is much more productive in our Craft, good, bad or indifferent. (We learn this further through the exploration of Shiatsu in Yona Circle.)

If you have not already done so, we are going to AWAKEN OUR INNER HEALER. Even a Practitioner that “hexes and hurts” or only works for “personal gain” – knows their Inner Healer, or should. Energy has a cost and often the Practitioner receives the fallout from moving too much Universal Energy as a Solitary Practitioner. (If it does not effect them, it can effect their environment, their family or others. There is a way around this that we learn in Golanv Circle.)


: You will utilize a red, green or the Universal white candle. (There are very inexpensive shabbos candles at most grocery stores that work beautifully for this. Yes, blessed by typical Hascidic or Jewish rabbis but only for the “Highest Good” and “healing”  typically is.)

Breath: You will utilize the four-count breath technique, 4 in through the nose, pause, 4 AUDIBLE OUT through the mouth this time. Do this until you feel yourself slipping into a relaxed alpha-wave state. (Eyes closed or gently gaze at the candle.) #BoxBreathing

Invocation: We will give you the words and way this time but for future times, make this yours. Lights off/on, incense burning, a cold glass of water at hand, gentle music playing, whatever you need. Just DO NOT have any electronic devices near by. No vibrating phone. No TV. No family or pets unless they can QUIETLY participate in your magick.


“I (name you wish to use) call upon the Powers of the Universe,

Divine Spirit,

God and Goddess,

Ancestors and Guides,

Elements that be…

…Awaken the Healer inside of me!


Awaken my Spirit and blood,

Charge my powers of Healing,


I will heal my Being, complete and whole,

I will restore my essence to a balanced state.

As I Will it, SO WILL IT BE.”

After gathering the materials and preparing yourself, SPEAK THE WORDS FIRMLY WHILE LOOKING IN A MIRROR.
Now that you have firmly spoken the words, go to a comfortable spot.
Light the candle in a safe space around you.

After the cleanse, clear and ground per your method (can be done before speaking words), you may begin your breath count.

INHALE 1 … 2 … 3 … 4 … pause … EXHALE 4 …3 …2 …1. PAUSE
(You will repeat this cycle until you feel that alpha-wave start, a calmness will come over you.)

INHALE 1 … 2 … 3 … 4 … pause … EXHALE 4 …3 …2 …1 PAUSE


 Relax your shoulders down.


1 … 2 … 3 … 4 … pause … 4 …3 …2 …1.


Relax your jaw muscles, relax your face


1 … 2 … 3 … 4 … pause … 4 …3 …2 …1.


Soften your gaze and begin your Invocation again softly, “I am the Healer”.


Once you feel “done”, sit with the Healing Energies of Self for a moment. If you do this before bed, take pen and paper for when you wake. Your dreams can tell you more about where you are energetically tonight. Talk to your Higher Self, your Divine. Ask to “remember”.


Thursday WJ1

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


In TWO PARAGRAPHS or more, describe the events of your practices with the exercise above.
Did it work for you “as is”? Did you have to modify it in any way to customize it?
How do you feel afterward? How were your dreams afterward?

Three Circles Medicine
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