Our Society Goals
With Affiliates and Charters across the globe, it is our goal to attain wisdom and harmony through diversity and sharing of Universal, often esoteric, Knowledge and Healing. We are a judgement free Society that operates with Universal Love and Compassion for all.
Free Will is our litmus for all things, including the Sovereignty of Self and the Sanctity of Mother Earth.
We believe all of us have Shadow and Ego to contend with and understand not everyone will reach an equilibrium or healing in this lifetime. We understand the unconditional nature of love and the power of what we do, as “magick” is more than words and we are more than the sum of our Experiences.
Our Founding of the partnership with — National Black Hat Society™ and Three Circles Medicine & Magick™ was achievable through the continuous fellowship of our National High Council Members at National BHS along with Reverend Richoz, RN and the shared Magick and Medicine Circles they walk. They are now recognized together as a sovereign Society and School of Magick & Medicine. They continue to hold the mission with these as the founding core principles:
Support by sharing the Knowledge of our Elders as a science to all who seek it.
Preserve the timeless teachings of our Ancestors that are in alignment with the preservation of our Society and Mother Earth within its place in the Universe.
Honor all Paths and their respective Practitioners in and around our diverse Society, and those in the world community who are seeking to empower and transform themselves mentally, physically, and spiritually.