Wahya Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine


Beginning Practicum
Modern Shamanism

As we have learned in our long walk around the world, all of the indigenous of the world, First People, have taught us that shamanism is a religious or faith practice that involves a Practitioner who interacts with the Spirit World around them through all means,

This includes Plant and Animal alike. They often do this through altered states of consciousness, such as trance. In some tribes, the goal of this is usually to direct these Spirits or spiritual energies into the physical world, for Healing a family member, feeding the group, or another purpose.

They may also interact with help via the Spirit World itself through meditative practices, or their Divine. There are shamans found on every Path throughout all of human history, from Buddhism to Zoroastrianism, there are shamans, or Medicine People. (Hence, meditative practice, Magick and Medicine go hand in hand.)

As we have stated before, many Practitioners have begun to hear the natural calling of the Universal Spirit to and through this practice. Shamanism is found in many forms from the use of Stone Medicine and Reiki to those Plant Spirit Allies found in our Witches’ Garden.

The practice of this type of Medicine Spirit is not locked to ‘one tribe’ or ‘one people’. Certain techniques are gatekept for now and we as Practitioners in a colonized world understand that. Many feel that the Knowledge should be kept safe and respected. But, there are other Universal ways to achieve the same purpose. that is common amongst ALL humans.

Plant Allies who aid in this practice are sacred to many people. An technique we share often is “smudging”. “Smudge” used in this way is a word that dates from the late 18th century and has an unintelligible origin. Prior to that was around the 15th century and it aligned with the meaning of “dirty” or “soiled”. Some view this practice as “anointing the Air”.

It is most likely from a magickal revival of sorts that took place at that time in Europe. The word “smudge” is free to any Practitioner who wishes to employ it. If anyone claims otherwise, question that, take it to the root.

“Smudging” may not be the energetic technique that we are seeking. More specifically is the Arcane Art of “saining”.

Saining derives from a Scots word for blessing with smoke. In fact, Saining is a Scots word for blessing, protecting or consecrating. Sain is cognate with the Irish and Scottish Gaelic word seun and sian and the Old Irish sén - "a protective charm." Does this call to you more strongly?

Anishinaabe smudging.

Finding what calls to us is something that each Practitioner must determine for what is appropriate for themselves. However, does a foreign technique call to you, versus a genetic one? Why? Do you give back to the source or pay homage to them in any way? Is it NOT in your blood, but in your Spirit? Is it in your Soul? It all counts. What speaks to you? Why? Where did you pick it up from?

Remember, it is all open to everyone — but balance is typically sought by the Universe. We are wise to find what calls to us. If “too much” is seemingly pretty or shiny and the newness blinds us, we look at our genetics to start. Find the dark or better said, hidden (esoteric) inside of us.

Where does your blood hail from? Are you sure? How? Stories from Elders? Genetic testing? Do you Feel it with your Intuition? Do you have endless dreams of this technique?

Something to keep in mind that many Practitioners do not, is genetic expression. Just because our family says you’re “German” and they speak “German”, does not mean they are in fact 100 percent German in both Matter AND Spirit.


Upon closer examination, we can express our great grandmother’s Italian side, which is recessive for the rest of our immediate family, but dominant in us. A human only needs around 2% of the genetic code for a trait to express. It is deemed a strong preference most times that trait is expressed.

Life as we express it is matrilineal, which means “kinship through the female line”. We are all currently birthed from females, whether any human wants to admit it or not. This is the origin of the species.

I was an egg inside of my mother while she was inside my grandmother, and so on.

The female of our species is born with all of the eggs she will ever have in a lifetime. Hence, our mothers, developed their eggs while still inside our grandmothers. How our grandmothers carried our mothers can effect us just as how our mothers carried us can effect us.

See how we can effect our children by simply conceiving them?

Those atrocities perpetuated upon previous peoples are spiritually passed on in Familial Shadow and Womb Trauma. The knowledge of this is “shamanic”. We “know” through this spiritual connection with the Great Mother and have known throughout all of time.

The Knowledge cannot be burned, beaten, or attempted to be removed in any other way. We are Wise to work with it as we do any other Shadow, Ego, or Soul Retrieval. It is a part of ALL OF US.

For the emotion that is attached to quantum entanglement — just because a distant genetic relative suffered or caused suffering does not mean that we will, or that we do. It simply means that there are levels of Shadow that are beneficial to be dealt with as we evolve spiritually, becoming a fuller Being.

More on the origin of the word “shaman” — it is from the late 17th century: from German Schamane and Russian shaman, from Tungus šaman.

Do you wonder who that is connected to? We just studied them!

The term shamanism comes from the Manchu-Tungus word šaman. The noun is formed from the verb ša- 'to know'; thus, a shaman is literally “One Who Knows.”

We are all ša.

The shamans recorded in historical ethnography the world over have included females, males, and transgendered individuals of every age from middle childhood onward… including us.

This is a “know the origin” moment. Yes, we live in a volatile society of “me too” and “cancel culture” and all of the other stuff. These things appear to be a self centered screaming of a dire need for Ego Check and Shadow Work to many though. As stated, we are all shamanic in our own ways and are wise to heal this Earth in them, ensuring our continued ability to survive here as a species.

We are wise to understand if there is “neo-pagan” there is in fact “neo-shaman”, or “neo-ša”. We have much to learn as a people, and as Practitioners.  

Selenology 101
Power of a Full Moon

We hope that each of you are finding suitable moon phases for your Works thus far. (If you choose to harness that energy.) We can feel the strength of the energies at hand. We can feel the effort being placed into the cosmos. We feel the trepidation and excitement of what is to come.

Remember, you will reap what you sow. Your efforts will be Divinely matched in your Craft as “like energy attracts like energy”.

Happy Crafting!

Power Senses Spell
Due by the FIRST Wednesday in September!

#WolfMagick #WahyaCircle


Beginning Practicum
Magick of Image

As we look around our spaces, we find hat we are able to utilize “image” as a Key in both Magick and Medicine. We use it help us focus and shift our consciousness to manifest our Intent. The biggest example of this is found in Vodou.

A doll, or effigy, is used to represent the target of the spell. This can be additive or subtractive magick. We have seen both baneful and healing magick done in this way.

Another method we see with Image Magick is the use of a picture. Think of “health”. What image does it conjure in your mind’s eye? Do you see a healthy vibrant tree? A smiling and happy person with no ailments? Can you find something similar to that image you see in your mind’s eye when working a health spell, for example?

Remember Attuning to Higher Self, this was a form of Image Magick, amongst other things. Having this item on your altar or in your Work space helps focus the energy on “health”.

Think about a spell, or include in your spell if you have not completed it, an “image” that will add to your work. Take a picture and submit this.  


Think About It

How does it feel knowing that others can feel your magickal power? How does it feel to be attuned to another person and their power? Those who have been at practice with Reiki should already be adept at picking up on the energy of others. Your energy can be felt too, no Magick or Medicine needed. Those that have not had the Wisdom of Age on their side may find this difficult at times. But, rest assured that you are felt. You CAN be felt. Did you ever think that was possible? Divinely? By other Practitioners?

We do.

Explore that.


Moon Day WS4

General - Journal 0 Book of Shadows



Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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