Wahya Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine


Moon Phase Magick

What’s in your magick?



Beginning Practicum
Moon Spell Tips

We recently came through what some Practitioners call “Lion’s Gate”. This is when the Sun is in Leo and the star Sirius moves closer to Earth and aligns with Orion's belt, shining the “Spiritual Sun” on all of us and opening third eyes as it does this. This energetic star portal opens every year between July 28 and August 12. However, on the Paths of many, August 8 is considered official activation day. Did you? Did you have a particular kind of day? Did you “feel” something?

Your Lion-like moment —when Experienced — can be full of uncomfortable-but-necessary accelerations of our individual spiritual growth, energies we thought we had dealt with more fully, ranging from Ego to Shadow. To some Practitioners it is like Alice In Wonderland, where Alice constantly changes sizes —which is often interpreted as a series of Self actualizations or a process of Self realizations. Did you have any? Did you Work to heal any? Taking Initiative to explore the Universal energies of the cosmos is open to ALL Terrans'.

Other Practitioners may have felt different effects from it. Tired. Restless. This is because it aids in manifesting and making things happen with your Intent from previously Worked Magick and Medicine as well. What did you Work or Craft towards? New jobs. New homes. Transitions between people and places. It all counts. But, it also throws ripples of energy the other way.

For example, if you have a roof that needs cleaning and you ignore it, this energy can help Water find a way through it to form a leak. This energy belongs to ALL things. Water is not “sentient” per the human definition, but, Water KNOWS Water, which it is at base existence. The Universe aligns very easily with that singularity, or base, pure, Unconditional energy.

This Spell that many completed for Lion’s Gate is going to have you thinking about it now and placing it along the lines of the energy you are already feeling or have felt during this time. It can help boost that energy, or a previous Work, in a direction for your best Intent, your Highest Benefit when you Focus your Intent. Psychic Work counts too! Granted, because you may not have cast ON the 8th, it will be less and less effective for that energy as we move away from that alignment but there are plenty of powerful days and nights to be had in the month of the Lion. (You can always frind a correspondent date passed it, too!)

Consider your correspondences for today’s moon, this week’s moons. Remember, it changes every 2 days or so.

ASK YOUR SELF: What are its attributes? When will the Moon/Sun rise? What deity on your Path aligns with this moon or its attributes? What Intent works “best” for this moon energy? Do you plan to give an offering? Is there an Elemental attached to this energy? A color? A scent? What do YOU FEEL?

Another thing to consider today is the moon being in a specific zodiac. We said it changes about every 2 days, that is both PHASE and ZODIAC. What is it? Yes, even that can effect the energy of a spell sometimes. (Remember learning about Tropical and Side Reel?) Looking at all of these things can maximize your effort in carrying yourself forward in growth on your Soul Journey. Look at that sign and Craft to its strengths if you desire.

Since the sign is more wedded to a living Truth of yours rather than an imposed ideology of the external, understanding — how this manifests for you can often influence the “sailing of the boat” and coax it to “turn around” or to better serve you on your Journey.

It is our goal to seek balance in our Life.

What did you find? Did you work Magick or Medicine for Lion’s Gate?


Witch Bits
Chaos Magick Tip

“Take care with your ideas, especially those born of Feeling.
They are dangerously adaptive and rather quick to squirm away from your control.
Be extremely considerate of Self when plumbing the depths of Shadow and Ego, and trust that this time is needed for you to explore.
Nothing is worse than thinking you have a hypothesis in search of evidence, when in reality what you have is a conclusion in search of a rationale.

Moon Day WS3

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Sit with the Witch Bit passage above. In TWO PARAGRAPHS or more,
summarize what this quote means to you.

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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