Wahya Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine

Beginning Practicum
Vocabulary II

Vocabulary has been established beginning Moon Day WM3 and is continuing to be sprinkled throughout the Lessons.

Words covered:

Dark Half, Esbat, Evolution/Involution, Imperium of Knowledge, Physiognomy

Today will entail another grouping.

Vocabulary II

Key: Anything that shifts you into a higher level of consciousness for meditation, Craft, Ritual, etc. Example: Candle light for meditation.

Syncretism: The belief or idea that all Paths of Earth hold the same truths expressed in differing ways.

Triple Goddess: Reflections of the three phases of the moon. Maiden: Waxing; Mother: Full; Crone: Waning.

Patron: The Deity, Element, God, Goddess. Divine Power, or Way (Discipline) that we feel most comfortable with, or “called to”. Many Practitioners have more than one. A Patron is one that homage is paid to regularly for spiritual guidance, blessings, visions, Craft, etcetera.

Primeval Deity: For Creationist Pagans, this is a/the Deity before Creation of humankind.

Seven Planes of Existence: There are many Paths that believe this is how the Goddess/Spirit interacts with God/Matter. These planes are believed to defy categorization as they blend and overlap through many Magicks, Maths, Philosophies, Sciences, etc.
Example: The mathematical Monad, which is also in Magick.

Please note, we will revisit these concepts each year at 3CMM, a little more each time.

The level at which we Experience the tangible – 5 senses – plane of “sensation”. State of being born into Matter.
The baby is Physically in the womb; the baby is born.”

The level in which we Experience emotional feelings inside ourselves and react emotionally to the Experience “outside” of us.
(This level is where Ego/Shadow Work begins.)
The baby is born and is now Experiencing its existence in a limited capacity.

The level in which we Experience thought, abstract concepts and their understandings. This is where we develop the tools to fully Experience both Physical and Emotional states of being in a more fulfilling way.
The baby knows if it cries, its caregivers will come and hold it, feed it, change it.”

The level in which we create our existence and its conditions.
(This is a place for Deep – Trauma Healing - Shadow Work)
We begin to reach out to the spiritual.
The baby dreams and maps what it has learned in its awakened life. It begins to mirror what it has learned.”

Where we begin to interact and where each PREVIOUS Stream become uniquely effected by Deity, whatever that may mean to us, as Divine energies flow through us. We have given up Ego and are healed from Shadow. We are comfortable spiritually. We work in the Astral regularly.

That level of our Self IS that part of us that is whole with Deity. Unconditional Love and Ultimate Forgiveness have been found and exercised. We begin to cross back to our Divine, or Spirit energy. Think Buddhist monks, or Sannyasin, who discipline themselves to this level of spirituality through meditation.

Where we are at peace with ALL of existence and can Experience true Unconditional Love with all things. We have fully achieved what Buddhists call our “Light Body”.

Divine as it comes to each of us, in a way that we personally understand and Unconditionally accept. It is believed that we are a part of Spirit Oneness.

: A federally recognized Path, one of many Earth Based Paths. Compare to “Christian” or “Muslim”. It is a general term, but deserves to be protected legally all the same as “no two Paths are the same.”

Wiccan Tradition: A specific Path of Wicca. Compare to Catholic Christian or Sunni Muslim. Example: Gardnerian, Georgian, Alexandrian, etc.

Witchcraft: An energetic or spiritual practice; the use of Magic/Magik/Magick for Work or Craft with the flow of that which one perceives as sacred.

America’s First Public Witch, Phyllis Curott further states:
“…Magic is the flow of the divine through realms of spirit, from realms of spirit, into you, into creation, embodied by the natural world. It’s the life force, and we’re enmeshed within it.”

Beginning Practicum

Indigenous American Wards

Although many Paths utilize this practice, the Indigenous did not feel the need to ward outside of “protection” during a time of strife from an opposing tribe. They were generally in tune with Mother Earth and felt no need to protect themselves from Her outside of common sense when it came to other predatory animals. Furthermore, they venerated those who passed before them in most places. Spirits of Ancestors were called in to help with that protection, “to watch over the family”. (They did not frighten them.)

European Esoteric Wards

In quite a bit of European Magick, we find the use of “wards” to protect themselves from other witches, bad juju, and various other things that go bump in the night. A great deal of what is feared has been inserted into Indigenous culture by the Church and it spread like wildfire, causing grave difficulty in determining the origin of many of what we now call “superstitions”.

If a specific Path is going to be followed and one is not settled with Shadow, or are still in the midst of Ego Work… some advise us to Ward to prevent from thwarting Self, continued growth and healing, or the safe space to heal.

Before we cross the Pond in our Wahya Walk, we are to Ward or reinforce our personal Wards as errant energy is known to exist there psychically.

Why Ward?

Wards are used to protect ALL energies in a space, whether they are Plant or Animal Allies, the place itself, or things. It is a Spirit Work or Energy Work that requires some practice to master or at least become adept at. We are staking a spiritual interest for what we Intent to Ward. The more Magick or Medicine Work you do, the more imperative to know a technique in how to Ward. It is essentially a “safety net” for Practitioners personally.

For example, a strong, basic, protective barrier around many Practitioners is also a cast Circle. It is essentially keeping things out, and keeping other things in — as one completes their Works. Think of this as a vessel filling with Intented energy.

Something else to consider is how those around us are effecting the energy in our space. Is there someone bringing in something menacing? Are you clearing and cleansing on a regular/daily basis? Is there someone on your personal Ancestor Altar that you do not really connect to, or venerate?

This may be something to consider if a Banishing Work is not manifesting. It often happens subconsciously and may need to be considered if a Work cannot seem to make “x, y, z” happen or NOT happen, which ever the case may be, before ruling out the ability to change the path of the energetic flow.

A Home Ward or Property Ward is a first line of defense outside of Protecting Self. It will need pure Intent for its purpose as once it is set into motion, it essentially continues to Work energetically on its own.


Cleanse and clear the space per your method, or Path.

Do not accidentally trap “bad” energy inside the space. Consciously envision any energy’s “escape route” as this is done. Having good spiritual hygiene is crucial for continued Spirit Medicine and Magickal Workings, especially those of Self growth or evolutionary to Self.

Example: Daily Grounding will Protect Self when out and about in daily life and prevent bringing something ‘home’ as it will have difficulty attaching energetically or psychically, depending on how this technique is performed.

Upon return, enter home MINDFULLY.

Say Protective words like, “I leave it outside”.

However, EVERYONE in the home must do it. It is a known fact that anyone who lives with us can bring in whatever riff raff or stray energy they pick up. An example of this would be a roommate coming home expressing a crappy day at work and taking on that crappy attitude. It simply is not your “crap coin” to own.

If this is something that cannot be done because we are still Silent or In the Broom Closet, or maybe others would not understand, use sigils and symbols in different places: A Hamsa works well here, especially to not “rock the boat” of homelife. The most effective is personally created Magick for the Ward though. Practitioners can even learn to “sweep” a hand to remove the energy from them, psychically cleaning Self without others knowing that a “brush off” is being done.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure… or Magick as the case may be!”

Choose a method.


Besom Over Door
Hang a besom over the entry door that is made from a Protective and cleansing wood such as: birch, cedar, oak, or pine. (These can even be made from discarded limbs from a Tree Ally.)

Imbue Tree Allies
Look at local trees and try to determine what is naturally tied to the land for more strength. Go out to them, sit with them, Imbue them. Make sure that they are recharged every couple of years to keep the strength up and aligned with Self. (Do not feel bad for asking the tree to help you. They too are our Allies!)

We have so often forgotten that the Plant People said that they would help us, as heard throughout the indigenous stories, even those of the Celtic Nations. Some feel guilty or ashamed at times to ask for Plant or Animal help as our species has treated them collectively in a very poor manner. DO NOT. Our Spirit Allies have unconditional Love, not malice or hate. Those are human emotions. We do not have to do “all of this” “all by ourselves”. No matter …. walk with these energies on an Earth Based Path and be empowered!

Herbal Pouch
Make an herbal pouch using locally sourced Medicinal and Magickal Plant Allies of Protection, such as Plant Ally Fleabane.

Again, we have covered these. You should have your BoS started and continue learning about what is native to the area and what naturally occurs, or grows, there. (At 3CMM we feel that Mother Nature can sprout Her seeds when and where She likes. There are not “invasive” species per se.)

Utilize local crystals or rocks like granite, mica, smokey quartz, etc. Remember to cleanse and program them with their purpose after asking for the Stone Ally’s help.

You may also create a Protective Wreath containing all of those elements and placing it near your entry door.

Other Items
There are other items to consider, or that can be programmed to Ward or Protect.

Enchanted coins left in a dish to catch everyone’s keys.

Imbued clocks, such as moving clocks with pendulums, can energetically send waves through the space, or can help energy flow.

Other things to consider are Ritual cleaning. Moon water. Sun water. (Remember to Ward attics and basements, fireplaces, etc. Elemental spell jars, rooting home to Earth are helpful in these cases.)

Some Practitioners drive sticks corresponding to the four directions to set a boundary to their property. Other Paths hammer three nails near their front doors. And even others will psychically walk their property and cleanse as they envision each location.

Solar lights on a walk path to your door or a Wreath specific to the Elements or a Patron Element may be utilized also.  

(Elemental Sound Cleanses
A door knocker
Bee attracting plants
Wind chimes.

Plant Allies with sigilized pots, crystals, etc. may also be utilized but MAINTAIN THEM.

The time most Practitioners do this is when they cleanse – when they cleanse, they do Ward maintenance.

Consider what calls to you. Consider your needs. There is NO “right or wrong” way.

Selenology 101
Florida Water

European Magick Practitioners use a lot of something called Florida Water.

But, what is it?

Florida Water, according to current trademark holders, Lanman & Kemp Barclay, was introduced by the New York City perfumer (and founder of the original company) Robert  Murray, in 1808. In 1835 Murray was joined by David Trumbull Lanman and the firm became Murray & Lanman. It is the American version of Eau de Cologne.

To read one of the many popular theories on how the cleansing magick water came to be, there is a trusted story HERE

As we know, Florida = means flower, inside this CONCOCTION is often placed: sweet orange, neroli, lavender, bergomet, cinnamon, and various other essences. Consider the Magickal properties of each element, or essence that is added, relative to the Work at hand. This is typically completed on a Full Moon and left to absorb the maximum amount of moonlight.

Two other things to consider:

Be present and Mindful and fully know the Intent before beginning the Magick.  Years of energy from thousands of Practitioners have gone into it.

As with most water after being utilized in Hoodoo, Vodou, Santeria, Macumba, Conjure, etc - just like Glory water, Peace water, etc, Florida Water – IS DISPOSED OF ETHICALLY AWAY FROM YOUR HOME.

Feel free to share your favorite recipes in the Face Book group, email, or, start working on your own!


Moon Day WS2

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


Three Circles Medicine
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