Wahya Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine

Beginning Practicum

Lion’s Gate Portal

The celestial event know as Lion’s Gate is nigh!
Do you utilize it’s energy? It’s empowerment?

For those that do not know, or that have never heard of Lion’s Gate and what it does, it is defined as thus:
The Lion's Gate Portal refers to a period of days before and after—from July 28 until August 12—when the power of Sirius is believed to be activated by the Sun.”

With Lion’s Gate we are going to walk in our personal Dark Feminine energies and power. We are going to explore our Truth, Shadow, Ego, Traumas… anything that calls to us on our Birth - Death Cycle of Life. We are safe and Protected with Wahya, Fang and Fur. With that Knowledge, it is shared with us that we are in the midst of the Divine Cosmic flow of all of it, regardless of how we identify in Matter. Regardless of body. Regardless of gender. This time is of the alignment of many powerful energies inside of us and with the celestial bodies of our Universe outside of us. The Cosmic Drum beats a rhythm of Heart for our dance.

As above, so below’.

Mars, or Ares, has both literally appeared with its celestial body in our sky and in Spirit with its Divine Energy to Protect the Masculine Energy coming forth that helps to maintain our balances as our Divine Energy of the Dark Feminine comes forward again. This is represented by planet Venus, who goes within and has the Experience of Involution symbolically by Her retrograde. In astronomy, in our sky, Mars reaches opposition about every 26 months, or about every two Earth-years. So Mars alternates between appearing bright and faint in our sky. But, HE IS STILL THERE. It was bright in late 2022 and early 2023. But by September 2023, Mars faded dramatically in brightness and disappeared in the sunset glare in October 2023.

Masculine Mars is still there, but just as Venus goes through regular Involutions, some feel the Masculine time of Involution is more fruitful now.

Regardless, it is believed that we each embody various percentages of both Masculine and Feminine energy naturally when we fully Experience our lives and Unconditionally Love Self. We are Protected from vulnerability as we explore Self by our embodiment of Masculine energy. Especially during a time of Dark Feminine energy exploration. Now. Especially RIGHT NOW. The reluctance of Dark Masculine Shadow to expose itself is easier to coax to surface for Healing now.

Dark Masculine is often that Shadow that we can embody in an unhealed WHOLE Self, or is carried from our family. If Divine energy is that Masculine energy connected to positive logical qualities, such as reason and intuition, and beneficial traits that include ambition, courage, and assertiveness; then Dark Masculine is that energy that has not always reached that potential, or is unhealed. It is assertiveness that has steamrolled others to attain position, for example. (Dark Feminine can do this too, but typically has a different approach or purpose in approach.)

To learn more, here is a trusted resource to explain some of what all of this means in different terms for DARK FEMININE ENERGY. Once you have completed this video, name TWO PEARLS you found about Self. Feel free to also ask a question of your Circle to explore deeper at our next Moot.



Ethics in Magick 101
Divination Lessons,
Then and Now

Ethics in today’s Lesson deals specifically with “divination”, no matter which method you choose. The exercise we are wise to entertain has to do with “know” or “not know”.

As we divine we are peering directly into the Higher Self or Divine Knowledge regarding ourselves and others. This is not forbidden mind you, we simply have to ask “does knowing the possible outcome really change the actual outcome.” Many Practitioners believe that often, when given the possible outcome, most do not change their circumstance outwardly one way or the other. Some in turn question whether or not the “knowledge” itself changes the outcome.

How do you know that you, or your Querent, are acting as if you “did not know” is really making a difference, or is “not knowing” the ONLY difference? What changes do you make when you reveal to yourself a Truth from Spirit? What is your Divine Litmus?

Most Paths believe this is the moment before divination that one must ponder, or discuss with the questioning party, how valid the divination will be. Clerical “counseling” if you will. It has often been seen that Querents will “divine shop” (like “doctor shop”) until they find that one Practitioner who is a predator on others’ weaknesses and desires to “know”. This non-beneficial Diviner tells them what they “want” to hear.

This of course is taking advantage of the Querent in the ulterior, in whatever way. It is seen that those who practice in this predatory way, often create Community Shadow for those who do not practice divination in their respective areas. A bitter taste is left for the Experience,

At 3CMM, we believe there is a bigger question that must be looked at and the Querent’s Shadow comes into play.

Ethically speaking, we are more than the sum of our Experiences. Sometimes, it is better to “hold the bucket” for a Querent and to allow them the safe space to talk through their situation and work through any cognitive distortions or thought traps BEFORE divining for them. Often, as a Practitioner with a skill amongst friends and family, you are sought out for council. Divining is one of those times.


Beginning Divination
Correspondences - Numbers

This is but one of a sea of many “meanings” for the numbers. We encourage you to study the Path of your choosing to see how they differ from these basic meanings.

By the Numbers

One: Self reliance, and personal capability; to go it alone; figure for one’s Self

Two: Partnership, peace, assistance; go with someone; duality; choice

Three: Good luck, growth, expansion; sometimes it takes a group; it takes a village; Magick

Four: Practicality, Life Lesson, working things through to completion; Elemental; Sacred

Five: Movement, speed, and communication; things are okay

Six: Pleasure, love, honor; able to be sensed

Seven: Divine guidance; beyond the 5 senses; Higher Self

Eight: Intensity, extremity, intense success or failure; Infinite

Nine: Compassion; Selfless act; Helping others; the end

Ten: Completion; Unity; Goddess and God; Begin again

For example: When out walking, you ask for a sign and you see “two blue birds”. You look at the “two” and the “blue” for meaning.

Does it align with what you are asking?


Think About It

Protection by ABSORBING (Additive Banishment)” is used when we are trying to take back a piece of ourselves such as a “bad habit” and conserve our energy. We do not want to “magick away” that piece of ourselves but absorb it, heal it, love it, help it change.

Protection by REFLECTING (Subtractive Banishment)” is used when the source is outside of ourselves, such as a former spouse who molested our child. It is “banishment” based on the flow of various energies throughout all space and time. You have to ask yourself, “where is it, and where do I want/need it”.

In most cases of external Banishment, you want the Universe to TRANSMUTE the energy that exists for all to utilize for its “highest” or “strongest” purpose. Whatever that may mean. It is on us to understand Unconditional Love, as well as understand pain and pleasure are often part of the same coin. It is a delicate situation to “banish” the thing you once “loved” without you having a lesson from the energy too. There is a level of natural accountability as the Universe balances itself. It is very likened to throwing a rock in a pond and expecting “no ripples”, an Untruth.

There ARE ways to “banish” without cost but you must KNOW from what is your source. The Universe does not have the “feelings” nor capacity that a human animal does. Follow the magick thought through and determine if there will be collateral damage.

Two other examples:

Praying for rain”. When Australia was burning not too long ago, many Practitioners “prayed for rain”. They did not consider the torrential, life taking, mudslides that would occur as there were no more trees to absorb the water and Mother Earth could not take it in fast enough.

Praying for death”. Practitioners have worked for the death, dismemberment or maiming of another. They did not account for that person being the ONLY source of income for children from a previous marriage as it was kept secret and someone else had custody and received support. Those children then grew up without a father helping. In one instance, he was murdered in a “murder for hire” scenario via the new wife. In another instance, the man simply hung himself.

Praying for death or the like is serious business. Again, it can be done, but all accounts must be weighed before you slip on the ‘ring of Death’ – OR – you must be willing to accept that collateral – natural- return to balance by the Universe fully.

We will note, there are places in the world TO THIS DAY where if it is found out that you used “magick” or “ill intent” and something befalls another, you can be found “libel” in a civil suit. But a thought is a thought.

The only person drinking poison is your Shadow.

Weigh it wisely. Unless a court of law can prove you threatened “death” directly to another via a spell your wrote and did not dispose of, or maybe a relative saw you making an effigy to burn, there are no other repercussions by humankind and the ripples you create are often yours to have the return Experience of across Time.

Beginning Divination
Correspondences - Colors

Again, you are encouraged to explore the meanings as they pertain to YOUR chosen Path.

By the Colors

Black: Protection by absorbing (banishing); Safety; Wisdom; Learning; Universal Grounding; Connection to Water Element; Death Magick

White: Protection by reflecting (banishing); all purpose; unity; purity; General Magick

Pink: Self love; Compassion; Nurturing

Red: Strength; Vitality; Lust; War; Connection to Fire Element; War Magick

Orange: Creativity; Self Expression; Thinking Magick

Yellow: Pleasure; Happiness; Success; Ego Magick

Green: Healing; Growth; Abundance; American Money; Love Magick

Blue: Communication; Focus; Willpower; Connection to Air Element; Wealth Magick

Indigo: Psychic ability; Spiritual guidance; Sex Magick; Union of God and Goddess = Divine Magick

Violet: Spirituality; Connection to Higher Self; Goddess; Pure Magick

Gray: Neutrally banishing destruction; To neutralize the intensity of other magicks; Balance; Neutral Magick

Brown: Earth grounding; Healing animals; Home protection; Connection to Earth Element; Hearth Magick

These are a combination of Intuitive, Eclectic, Wiccan and Chaos Magick Paths. Again, study the Path of your choosing and determine which of these best suit your Path. Look for sources and reasons.

Moon Day WS1

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

(Due by Sunday)

1. Find two pearls from the Dark Feminine Energy Video.

2. Set an Intention for the power of Lion’s Gate. What will it be?
Submit ONE SENTENCE for your Intention of the time.

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