Wahya Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine

Beginning Energy Work
Reflective Meditation

PLEASE NOTE: This meditation is HIGHLY recommended to be completed AT BEDTIME or near it to have the highest energetic benefit.

While there are many types of meditations, these are CURRENTLY the nine most popular types of practice being utilzed:

  • mindfulness

  • spiritual

  • focused

  • movement

  • mantra

  • transcendental

  • progressive relaxation

  • loving-kindness

  • visualization

Not all meditation styles are right for every Practitioner and every Path, but being able to tap into internal “sight” is integral for continued Medicinal and Magickal development and Intent. These practices each require different skills and mindsets from Practitioners to be successful. As explored through our recent Journal entries, Self-reflection is often considered a first step into being able to meditate effectively and build Intuition in meditation of ANY form whether for Self Healing or an Abundance Spell. We can grow and know ourselves most objectively through various types of meditation.

Reflective Meditation is a contemplative practice that we encourage all Practitioners who walk with us to explore. For many, it is another tool they can add to their personal practices for future use.

When in our chosen spot, we select a question, situation, or theme as the Focus of our personal reflection or deep thinking about Self.

The first thought that occurs is typically the one that is needing to be looked at, studied, questioned, explored, the most. This is especially true if it is reoccurring in Shadow and Ego Work.

When the thought is properly directed by gentle and Willed Focus, or through guided meditations, the flow of thought becomes more lucid and can lead to the emergence of the great potentials of the mind.

It is in essence the Self learning to “see” the string that connects all things in energy with our Witches, or Mind’s Eye. With continued practice, we can begin to “See” with more and more regularity as work at meditation, or Focused Thought, continues — the Sight becomes stronger.

What was the questions?
What do you see?

This can help greatly with fine tuning one’s Intuitive ability as well. Knowing one’s Self assists in separating one’s true thought from another’s thoughts as seen when we are mapping our personal reality, or perception. Being able to map our own personal realities is imperative to develop to better empower our Magickal and Medicinal skills.

This skill is especially important to learn as an Empathic person, most imperatively if we are continually feeling the energies of others is a regular occurrence. Or, we find that we are easily triggered.

Do you KNOW which emotions or feelings are yours to own? Have you mapped your own reality? This is but one facet of Reality Mapping.

To read further on this important type of meditation:


A recommended guided basic meditation to use in clearing your mind for the days to come:


(This is a Meditation Lesson being taught by a Practitioner with a LOT of energy. Basic techniques, a refresher for some. Follow along if you can, don’t just “listen” nor just “read” the transcript. PARTICIPATE. ABSORB. LEARN. EXPERIENCE.

Your Spirit will thank you.

Your Intuition will evolve.

You will begin to Experience Involution in a more meaningful way each time you take a dive into your feelings and emotional waters. After he says “your eyes may become heavy”, if you have participated to this point, you will typically move into Alpha-State if you have been practicing your meditations. It is this shift that we are learning to feel for as it happens and as we Focus Thought or Intent.

Listen. Internally answer the questions after this point. Alpha-State is where a human’s Intuition begins to become strongest. Walk this Path with Practitioner  Luke. It is THIS technique that will help center many of you before your Medicinal and Magickal workings or Divination.

As always, give a “like”, “subscribe” or leave a grateful comment.

 (Lesson will take 30 minutes of your time to complete. Keep a Journal at your side to write any thoughts that may come to mind.)


Beginning Energy Work
Reflection Spell: Earthing

We are going to begin interacting more with Dreamtime and practicing use of Nierika (near-eeka), as the Central Americans call it, of the mind, as we delve deeper into our Practices.

The purpose of the nierika is to focus our communications across what has been deemed “the Veil” by some. It will also help clarify connection with our Higher Self and/or Spirit AND our Psychic Abilities.

Nierika is a practice in which Huichol (wet – chol) Indigenous people have learned to communicate with the spirit world through this creation of Matter. They use symbols (and rituals) as displayed on the creations. They are a way of asking the Powers That Be to bring things such as rain and sun to grow their crops, etc. After creating them, the nierikas are left in sacred places like temples, springs, and caves.


We are going to Earth Walk then create our naturally found human version of a neirika.

To understand more of what a nierika is, please check out this article:

What is a neirika?

You may try the project in the article to deepen your Experience as we walk through our World Studies, but we are going to simply be using our resources at hand, natural materials found around our places of work or home, outside, for this Work.

Now that you know what a nierika is —because you have read the article, place that thought aside. The “neirika”, to some, is culturally specific. However, EVERY HUMAN HAS A DIVINE KEY OF COMMUNICATION.

You are going to “meditatively’” walk with Earth, reconnecting, grounding, and the end result will be a very powerful and personal version of a nierika, imbued with Wolf Spirit/Wahya Spirit, creation to accompany you on the rest of this Journey through the Americas and through the other Circles at 3CMM. (Yes, we revisit this.)

The purpose of this is to expand your Experience of magick beyond the mundane and to pull more energy into your day to day life from Mother Earth.


1.   Find yourself a “natural” setting, preferably in day light – AFTER THE MEDITATION IS PERFORMED. The next day. Outside. In the yard. At a park. By a river. At the beach. Wherever “Earth” is present. (You may bring a friend for safety, just ask that they are reticent and respect what you are doing. They can even do it with you.)

2.   If you are comfortable with your location, remove your shoes. (In time you can feel this energy without removing your shoes.)

3.   Begin to walk slowly, meditatively. Do not look at anything in particular. Breathe. Begin feeling, allowing Earth to guide you to what She wants you to see. Trust.

As you are walking, feel what is beneath your feet. Is it grass? Are there pebbles? Is it sand? Stop and close your eyes and FEEL where you are standing on Earth and what is beneath your feet. Can you describe it without physical sight, “looking at it”? Try. Can you describe what you are walking on with words that divinely come to you, or are they how all humans describe it?

Open your eyes again and continue walking.

4.   Take a deep breath. As you slowly breathe in, imagine in your Mind’s Eye that you are not only inhaling through your nose or mouth, but also your feet.
Stop again.
Close your eyes and repeat the process as above. “See” it in your mind’s eye.

Open your eyes and continue your walk. This Conscious Breathing in is taking in Earth energy which grounds, centers and heals you as you move. It also will begin bolstering your personal energy with increased frequency of visits to Earth as you come to your divine with Intent during this exercise.

We are of all a part of this plane of Spirit’s Experience into Matter.

5.   Once you FEEL you have walked sufficiently in your space, give the excess energy back to Mother Earth for Her healing, transmuting it for Her needs. Imagine standing there, before you replace shoes, eyes closed, energy flowing out of your palms back into the ground. Down your body the energy flows in ts metaphysical waters.

“This is for you, Mother Earth. Thank you for your graciousness in my life.”

(Or something along those lines.)

Did you see a color as the energy flowed down into Earth?
This is important. Write it down, or remember it.

Our beings will only keep what energy it needs to travel through our day or for healing our bodies. To attempt keeping “more than you need” can cause one to become irritable or depressed. Give the rest back to Her. It is understood by many Practitioners that if you unconsciously harbor energy, you may become angry, snappy, short-fused, and many other negative or non-beneficial emotions. This is especially true if you carry more than what is your to carry.

6.   Once you have completed your circuit, draw something in your Journal relative to what comes to mind. Is it scenery? Is it a music note? Is it a face? A book? A food item? Draw what you see in your mind’s eye. This is your gift from Mother Earth that you may or may not currently have. Gratitude is essential all the same. (Artistic ability is not being judged, you are telling a powerful story that will unfold as time progresses on your Journey.)

Use what you have at hand to enhance this drawing. If you only have a pen and pencil, use it. If you have markers, use them. Use what you have to begin your story of New Change and Transformation.

7.   When you FEEL you are finished, place this drawing into a special book (Journal, or BoS) or on your altar if you have created one.

The nierika-in-essence that you have created is a gift from walking with Mother Earth. It is an inner reflection of the moment. It could be for you or Her in that space. You will know once it is created.

The energy you released back into the Earth was there cleaning, clearing, grounding, and healing you on the inside. Remember to write the color you saw flowing out of you and into Mother Earth! This is important healing Knowledge!

( Lesson requires 20 minutes to read. Walk and Spell Project can take as much time as you are willing to give.) 

Selenology 101
Enhancing Earth Energy

“I vibrate with Mother Earth, so that I may know Her Energy.” ~Luna


It would be ideal to perform all of these Lessons during an Earth sign moon phase as it would be MOST productive. If you cannot find a way, it may be advisable to find the next Earth sign the moon will be in and perform it then, ESPECIALLY if you need grounding or specific healing at this time. This will enhance your connectivity to Earth, Mother Earth, Elemental Earth, etc. This will also aid in grounding you in moments of need as we live ON Earth.

Once the moon has risen for you (OR anytime during an Earth sign moon phase) find a comfortable spot, a seat, a hammock, or near a window to see outside if you cannot go there.

Cleanse, clear and release the energy from the day in your preferred method.


In your Mind’s Eye, imagine you see energy from Earth begin to slowly move up through your feet.

Inhale for a count of four…
…hold that breath for a count of four.
Exhale saying…





Slowly exhale the remainder of your breath.

See the energy continue to rise.

Pause for a count of four.

Inhale for a count of four again…
…hold for a count of four.

Exhale saying…





Slowly exhale the remainder of your breath.

Pause and hold for a count of four.

Inhale for a third cycle of four…
…hold for a count of four.

Exhale saying …





Slowly exhale the remainder of your breath.
See the energy now cover you, up past your crown, above your head.

As your final cycle of four…
…Inhale for a count of four…

…hold that breath for a count of four.

Exhale saying…





Slowly exhale the remainder of your breath.

You are working toward, or are now in Alpha state, as found through this “box breathing” technique. If you do not feel you are in Alpha state, repeat the cycle again until you feel a shift in mindset or energy. (Not everyone will Experience this right away.)

A calming sensation will begin to be felt. Slower breathing rates will occur. Thoughts of various places on Earth will be seen. Stronger focus inward can be noticed. Any one of these tell you that you are on the Alpha track.

Look with your Mind’s Eye. See the energy of Earth flowing into you, with you as you breath. Through your feet, in your space. Up your legs, past your knees. Your lower back, up your spine. Through your belly, your chest, your heart, flowing out into your still, heavy arms.
Do you see it in your Mind’s Eye?

Focus on Earth. Greet Earth. Inwardly express your desire to FEEL the Terran energy that you are a part of.

What do you “See”? What color? What do you smell? Is there a taste? Describe your Experience with as many sensory details as you can. Speak the description aloud or to yourself.


When you feel you have Experienced Earth, smile in Gratitude – on the inside if need be.
Watch in your mind’s eye as the energy flows back down through your body, draining from your arms. Their feeling lighter as the energy leaves. Through your chest. Your heart. Down through your legs and out through your feet back into the Earth.

While this Experience is fresh with you, write it down in your Journal or Book of Shadows. You are now acquainted with the essence of the Energy of Earth. This is an energy that is always around us and that can be called upon at any time of need. It calms. It puts out fires. (Especially after a heated or trying moment with another.) It can aid you in many ways. Show gratitude to the Energy/Spirit of Earth as you see fit.

(You have permission to make any one of these meditations custom to you. You may also re-record for your preferred counts and speaking.)


Moon Day WJ2

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


After performing ALL THREE PRACTICUM, please submit your Journal page(s) for each
A MINIMUM OF TWO PARAGRAPHS for each practicum presented, for a total of six paragraphs.


Three Circles Medicine & Magick

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