Wahya Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine







Correspondences 101
Cardinal Flames


All of these can be dictated by Path. This layout is mostly indigenous and of Reverend Richoz’s BoS, but you can work your Craft how it feels “correct” for YOU. This is simply a collection of results from other Practitioners, and input from other Paths. You are encouraged to take your own notes in your Journal or Book of Shadows/Results for how the Spirit of Element Fire works with you.


(Air on many Western Esoteric Paths)

Many Paths consider this direction, East, or the Element Fire (Or, whatever this direction means to you) to be needed to burn through obstacles, whether they lie within you or someone/something else. If you have done your Ego Work and your flame leans East, you are mentally strong or empowered with your Intent –OR – your “obstacle” is and requires the aid of Element Fire to burn through.  It is not always a ‘bad thing’ but some Paths advise doing another candle spell if your flame stays in or stops in this direction. This is to ensure the casting sees its fullest potential. It can sometimes indicate the need for Ego Work before Intent will manifest. It is a direction that you are encouraged to considered a stronger communication method. Spirit Boxes or someone who is adept at auto-writing is wonderful for this. Regardless, be sure to THOROUGHLY GROUND before divination or Spirit Work.

Correspondence: Beginning. Creation. Clarity. Transformation. Willpower.



(Earth - Path dependent)

The north is symbolic of the physical manifestation of Spirit. It is a sign that everything is coming in clear with thought and deed; communication with Spirit and Intent is taking place.

Correspondences: Communication. Purity, innocence, inner growth. It is also indicative of the willingness to do work, or make the changes necessary to achieve the Intent. Flames that lean in this direction are considered evidence related to the willingness of the Petitioner and Intent to work together with what is called upon.



(Water in West is common amongst the majority of all Earth Based and Indigenous Paths.)

Emotions are heavy in this direction. Matters of the heart. If you are Empathic, not empathetic, you may pick up on Elders who have passed before as well as Ancestors who may be working with you. The west stands for maturity, for inner strength and for the healing of all your wounds. It is the place of love, an open heart, and you can see where life has really brought you.

Correspondence: Healing. Self Love. Endings.



(Fire: Path dependent, i.e. Wicca)

The south is symbolic of Matter. It is for initiation, youth, and pure life without any restraint. The ‘wild’ or ‘native’, natural state, or feeling. It is the direction of innocence and the direction of losing your innocence, to come to responsibility.  On some Paths, it is believed if your candle flame leans southward it is indicative of failure of the Intent to manifest. On other Paths, it is indicated that there may be need for some emotional settlement before working. Either way, the Spirit is asking if you are sure you want to do this. Did you Divine or consult with Ancestors, your Guides, or a friend before taking on this Intent?

Correspondences: Health and well-being. Strong emotion/spirit. Spirit over Matter. Dishonesty from Matter. Communication may be blocked if the Intent is rooted too deeply in Matter, or is not clear. The motive behind the Intent may need to be adjusted.

We have learned, candles have been used in practices for thousands of years. Candles are considered extremely strong as many believe that they “light” on multiple planes. They light both in the physical world of Matter as well as the world of Spirit. Energy is displaced in both when they are utilized. Because of varied correspondences such as ‘day’, ‘moon phase’, or ‘month’, it is essential to tie as much as you can to your Craft. If you cannot, that is okay, but you may have to work again for the Intent to fully take.

Also consider these:

Pyromancy – Fire Divination

Ceromancy – Wax Divination

Capromancy – Smoke Divination

As always, if these correspondences do not feel right, change them! Here is a good reason: Let us say you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you may find that the correspondences feel off. Or, maybe there is a large body of Water to your East. The Elements are more interested in how you Call them as they NATURALLY occur, rather than in a way perceived by another Practitioner or Path. You can reassign the Elements in a way that feels natural to you or is in better alignment with your cultural background or practices. (If you follow a SPECIFIC PATH, many have a set direction, no matter “where” you live that must be consdiered.)

Moon Day WD1

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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