Kitchen Witchin’ with Lady Robin: Dandelion-It’s not a weed!

Hello and welcome to Herbal Sunday! (Or, whatever day you are reading this!)

Stop, make a wish and blow your dried dandelion!

Most consider dandelion to be an aggravating weed but the health benefits are astounding. First of all dandelions are edible. Yes, you can eat them! They are particularly good on top of a salad as they have a slightly bitter taste similar to arugula. Also, you can cook them just like a vegetable. I’ve personally not tried them that way but each to their own, I’m just here to educate. Now, to take a look at all the good things this herb (yes, it’s classified as an herb).

Benefits of dandelion:

They contain vitamin A, B complex, & C

Contains minerals iron, potassium and zinc

Naturopathic uses: Purification and detox

Antioxidants work to eliminate free radicals in the body that cause premature aging

Helps inhibit the growth of and induce death in cancer cells

Disorders of the liver (jaundice)

Mild laxative

Mild analgesic

Stimulant that aids in weight loss

Can help regulate blood sugar

***do NOT consume dandelion if you are on medications for bacterial infections and see our

medical disclaimer.***

Y’all know I’m all about making teas so here goes:

You may choose to make root tea or flower tea just keep in mind to use the young, tender leaves otherwise they will be bitter. Also, harvest your dandelion away from a heavily trafficked area to avoid all the nasties. Find about 10, pick the stems, leaves & flowers. Harvest, rinse and pat dry. Cut them or grind with your preferred method. Add parts to your cup, or place into a tea ball for infusion. Bring your water to a rolling boil and pour in cup.

Let it steep for at least 5 minutes — I like it a bit stronger so I add a bit more and steep it longer.

You can use coconut oil, honey or brown sugar for healthier alternatives to processed sugar. I absolutely recommend this particular herb, so give it a try! Those things are everywhere. Mother Nature is an excellent provider.

Lady Robin

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Kitchen Witchin’ with Lady Robin: Moon Water